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I found the name on this website. It means "black flower."
What do you think of the name?Please rate my list:
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I like it!
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Sounds like a skin disease.
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Very alluring!
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It's admittedly a cool name, and I've never been fond of Mel- names. The only usage I know of it, though, is in a paranormal romance series. So... make of that what you will.
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I love it! I would be thrilled to meet one.
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Not usually a fan of Mel- names but this one has gothic intrigue vibes. I find black flowers fascinating.
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I dislike Melanie, so the first syllable won't do. I like Anthea, so the second syllable won't do either. Plus, once in a park I saw a flower bed full of pitch-black pansies, which were no doubt a triumph of the breeder's art, but I found them thoroughly unattractive.
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Unfortunately, my brain, for whatever reason, thinks, that this pretty name shares a resemblance with nasty creepy-crawler also known as maybug, cockchafer or Melolontha.
It's wild how a simple name association can stir up irrational fears.
But I love the meaning, it's oddly poetic, Edgar Allan Poe-etic, IMO.
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