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Re: Make me love or hate these
in reply to a message by Ani
Cadhla - I like to look at it, but I hate to hear it, it's just Kyla. Toss it!
Lorena - gives me Civil War AND 1940s starlet vibes, it's win-win. Keep!
Annika - I hate this name passionately. I don't often think a name is ugly, but Annika is ugly. It's so brittle and anemic and I feel like it's judging me. I would dump it before it dumps you. Toss!
Dinah - Adorable and warm! I think of the kitten from Alice in Wonderland, and Dinah Shore, and Dinah Washington... a retro GEM. Keep!
Janet - Due for a comeback, you'll see, it might take 15 years, but Janet will return. Keep!
Bibiana - super fun, but I think I'd just prefer Bibi. Toss it!
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