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Re: Make me love or hate these
in reply to a message by Ani
Cadhla - lovely name but I’m not Irish and I had to look up the pronunciation, throw out or possibly use Kyla (I know it’s a different name)
Lorena - pretty, keep
Annika - the pronunciation that doesn’t make it sound like the herb arnica. Also pretty, keep
Dinah - I never know how to pronounce this and it reminds me of a diner, throw out
Janet - too dated, throw out
Bibiana - awful and clunky, throw out and use Viviana instead**I love God far too much to be religious - Jean Claude Koven**
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Thank you! I have a traumatizing personal connection with a "Vivi" so any Vivi- names are out for me unfortunately. I used to love Vivian!I pronounce Dinah like diner just with an -a at the end. It bothers me sometimes because I think of someone trying to say diner with a stereotypical Boston accent.Aand I have something against K's aesthetically for the most part so Kyla doesn't work for me lol Thanks again!
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