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Norma nn. Nora wdyt?
I love it! It deserved to be used again.
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I don't get why a Norma would go by Nora, unless she hated her name.
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Norma is pretty, but I don't like Nora as a nickname for it. Don't get me wrong, Nora is absolutely beautiful! I just don't like it as a nickname.
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I adore Norma too! I love it, I think it's so cute.Nora would work, if you really want it to. I could see someone getting to Nora if they called her "Nory" (or Nori or something) and then that turned into the elaboration of Nora. I just wouldn't get too attached to it, since it's not that natural of a connection to make, and imposing its use might take more work. And I rather agree with Amandine in that it feels like a bit of a cop-out, trying to have your cake and eat it. Which I do understand, but it makes me sad.
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Norma nn Nora makes no sense, in my opinion. It feels like you wanted to be brave and edgy by using Norma, but then didn't really dare to. It's like Clara nn Lara or Hannah nn Anna.Nora is cute, but a bit overdone. Norma is too "normal".
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I don’t care for Norma and Nora seems random as a nn. Use Nora as a full name at that point.

This message was edited 3/2/2024, 4:58 AM

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Don't like either name due to the naw sound
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The only Norma I know was named after her father, Norman. I don't much like either name. Nora is nicer, but I'd definitely use Laura, given the chance, and I wouldn't want two rhyming names. I'd use Nora as a full name, not a nn for anything: Eleanor, Norma (can't see the point of this), Noreen ... I do like Eleanor though!
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It's way too close to the original name in my view. I would have just named her Nora. Nora as a NN for Norma just sounds like someone misheard it.
Better than Norm or Normy though. Hmm. I would accept Nor as a nickname if I were her. Or even Mimi (because of the M sounds at the end). I like Norrie/Nory too.
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This is a real and good point!
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I don’t like Norma or Nora. Not my favorite set of sounds.
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I love Norma, too. It deserves to stand on its own without being disguised as Nora.
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I agree! I just now saw Nora as a nn for Norma.
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