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Audrey OR Aubrey?
I LOVE Audrey and would use it if I had a many kids. :) It's pretty and magical.
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Audrey, definitely.I don't even dislike Aubrey for a girl (as long as it's this spelling), and can't really imagine naming a boy Aubrey today. But I also can't shake the Jack Aubrey association.
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Aubrey because it has a less harsh sound. I don't like either, though.
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Audrey had an odd, unpleasant sound. Aubrey is softer by comparison.
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I like Aubrey, in honour of Aubrey Beardsley.
I am of the opinion that people use Aubrey all wrong. They think Aubrey is a beige boho chic Uggs-wearing Starbucks type. But it shouldn't be. Aubrey Beardsley was a weird little Gothic nerd freak. Aubrey should be a weird Gothic nerd name. I love Aubrey for a boy especially. Audrey is ok, it's just so..... Acceptable.
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Audrey is pure class
Aubrey sounds like someone with a bad head cold trying to say Audrey
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Er ... female OR male.
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I like Audrey, it’s elegant and who wouldn’t want to be named after Hepburn? I also like Aubrey but only on a boy
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Audrey, definitely. Aubrey is handsome on a boy.
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Audrey and Audra for girls. Aubrey in my experience, is an old guy.
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Audrey rolls off the tongue a bit better, but I don't hate Aubrey.
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I'm pretty sure we had a similar post earlier this month by another user, but Audrey all the way and not just because it happens to be my name. I never cared much for Aubrey. I always thought it sounded awkward (even more to say) and just lesser compared to Audrey.
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Audrey is gorgeous and such a classic. Aubrey just doesn't have the same charm.
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Audrey, as a nickname for Audriana. A new name I’ve learned
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