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Carla or Charlotte
Which and why?
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Charlotte. Carla is ugly.
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Neither.If forced to chose, Carla. Charlotte has a bratty sound to it.
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Carla is pretty, but I love the elegance of Charlotte.
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That would depend on the last name. It it starts with a “T,” I’d go with Carla.
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I enjoy them both, but Charlotte has always been a favorite of mine, so I choose Charlotte.
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I'm annoying and now prefer Carla because Charlotte's so popular. Carla is brassy and wisecracking, whereas Charlotte's a bit too aspirationally royal.Carlotta is my favorite form.
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Same here! I used to prefer Charlotte when everyone else thought it was an ugly old lady name. Now Carla is the underdog, and I admire how rich and ritzy it sounds.Carlotta is amazing.
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Charlotte. I think it’s much prettier than Carla.
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Charlotte, it just sounds prettier

This message was edited 2/25/2024, 6:21 AM

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Charlotte. I just like it more, maybe its the sound?
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Charlotte. It’s more classic.
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Charlotte, more classic and feminine
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Carla does not appeal to me at all. I don't much like Carl, Karl, Karel etc and I'd never even think of feminising them. Charlotte is very nineteenth-century, probably because of too many novels with a Charlotte in them from that period. It sounds better in French; in English it's hard to overlook the fact that it not only rhymes with 'harlot', it contains it. Charlene would please me more: I knew a very nice one at school, which helps.
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