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Declan was my ex's favourite name but it sounded to Irish to me and what would a nn be? Dec? Deck? I like the name but... the nn problem.
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Every Declan that I've met has been kind, smart, and handsome; I only have positive things to say! I think that Declan sounds very cool and snappy, and I prefer it without a nickname. If it helps, one Deklan (this spelling) that I know goes by Deko (pronounced like "echo," but with a D).
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Maybe something like Decker or Dex as Dracotorix suggests, those feel pretty organic.Declan feels very "British Isles" to me. I like it because of that, it's exotic.
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Don't worry about a nn, you don't need one or some just turn up little champ, princess, Molly moo and the name is nothing like Molly, I've heard this a lot with girls of various names
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Names don't need a nickname.
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I like it. I think I've only met 2 Declans and they both just went by Declan, but I could see one going by Dex (like Becks/Bex for Rebecca).
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I like this and think it’s makes an ok unisex name but I’m leaning toward masculine. There is a town close to where I was born called Declan so I have always liked it. I don’t think it needs a nn but if there was a boy with this name I can see him being called Dec.
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I like Declan. It doesn't need a nickname.
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Some names can't be viably shortened, so it's best to leave them as is. I'm not a fan of nicknames to begin with, but I know it means a lot to others. In this case, a nickname is out of the question.
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