1. Plain or fancy?
Plain. My tastes are pretty 'basic'.
2. Past or future?
Past. I'm a huge fan of 1960s to 2000s names.(especially girls' names)
3. Fast or slow?
4. Story or no story?
Sometimes has story, but most of the time there isn't.
5. Conventionally attractive or attractively unconventional?
Perhaps one of the reasons I like name is that I personally find the sound to be 'pretty', 'cool', or 'handsome'. So I would say conventionally attractive.
6. Traditionalist or iconoclast?
Maybe I prefer a friendly and familiar name, so I'll say traditionalist.
7. Culturally ambiguous or culturally distinct?
As a Korean, I think that if you want an international name, it doesn't necessarily have to be used in various cultures, and a name that is universally easy to pronounce is good. So, I really don't mind this.
8. Flow or no flow?
9. Easy or challenging?
10. Family or individual?
11. Short or long?
12. Gender-distinct or gender-neutral?
I don't mind this, but I'm not a fan of frilly girl names, and gender-neutral names are pretty common in Korea, so I'm say gender neutral.
13. Nickname or no nickname?
I really don't mind this.
14. Warm or cold?
Warm. That's why my favorite naming era is the late 20th century.
15. Everyman or aristocrat?
I would pick ‘Everyman’. I don't like using the words 'tacky', and 'trash' when describing names.
16. Popular or rare?
Based on current popularity, I like names from the past and usually such names are not popular, so I would say rare. If based on how common the name itself is, I would say popular because most of them are in the mainstream.
17. Old or new?
Old. (But I have no interest in many of the old-fashioned names that have made a comeback)
18. Loved or respected?
19. Brains or beauty?
20. Loud or quiet?
Quiet. I am a very introverted person.
This message was edited 2/19/2024, 8:19 PM