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Stephen and Grant
Wdyt of Stephen and Grant? True crime led me to these names again after wife murderer Stephen Grant.
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I prefer the spelling of Steven to Stephen, as I like the "Stee-vehn" pronunciation. Despite that, I do enjoy the name Stephen as well! Also, Grant is a handsome name in my opinion.
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I associate Stephen and Grant with the Bloomsbury group. Duncan Grant & Stephen is Virginia Woolf’s & Vanessa Bell’s maiden name. I like both names because of this.
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Love both, have a son Grant, great name
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I like Stephen if it’s pronounced as it looks. Otherwise, I only like Steven. Grant just isn’t satisfactory to me.
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I've never enjoyed Grant as a fn. Surname, fine; lnfn, unattractive. Stephen has always been a favourite, but only with a -ph-; Steven looks pathetically dumbed down.
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