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What do you think of Riley?Do you prefer it on a boy or girl?I personally think it's handsome on a boy, but also cute on a girl.Just wondering, are there so many girls named Riley around that a boy named this would constantly have to explain himself?Does the "rye" part bother you?Oh and...
what happened to it to have this massive spike in the UK for boys in about 2012? Just curious.That's all, thanks :)

This message was edited 2/17/2024, 11:06 AM

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I used to really like this name. I still have a soft spot for it. I do prefer it for a boy. But to me, it has gone the way of Justin in that it comes off as a name belonging to whiny young boys. Unfortunate, really, because I like both names, but the image they conjure for me ruins them a bit. No, I don't think a boy would have to constantly explain himself. I know plenty of boys and girls named Riley / Reilly / Rielly / Rylee / Ryleigh, etc. I think spelling would be the bigger issue.The rye part does not bother me, and I'm not sure why it should.
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I have met so many people around my age with this and various spellings. To me, I think of it more as a masculine name, especially when spelled as Riley. However, Rylie, Rylee, and Ryleigh are all feminine, in my book. I don't think it's a bad name at all, but I don't think I'd consider it.
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Just another lnfn, and as tedious as all the rest.
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This is a strange one for me. On one hand I think it's sounds fairly decent and alright, on the other hand I'm just absolutely sick of it, even now. It was everywhere here in the U.S and very much seemed like everyone was naming their child, boy or girl, or dog this. My dad even had a dog named this himself that passed away back in November, which is one of the reasons why I would never use it.
I much prefer it for a boy. I find it ridiculous on a girl.

This message was edited 2/18/2024, 8:41 AM

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Don't care for it much on a boy, truly hate it on a girl.
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It's ok for a boy, don't like it for a girl
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Riley has always struck me as a better name for a boy, but I don't really care for the name in general.
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This is a name I recently removed from my PNL due to a lack of my interest. The name itself is okay whether you are a boy or a girl.
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Oh and...what happened to it to have this massive spike in the UK for boys in about 2012? Just curious.
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Riley seems masculine to me. It's not my style.
I would prefer a different spelling for a girl - Rylie, Reilly, anything but Riley.I don't think that a boy named Riley would have to explain himself. It's a surname name, so, unisex no matter how many girls.The "rye" doesn't bother me. I kind of associate Riley with "riled up" though. Also with Rottweiler - maybe that's strange.
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I only know 1 man named this. I think it's nicer on a boy. The name is okay.
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