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Courtney or Kimberly?
Which one?
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Courtney every time. The "berly" in Kimberly puts me off. I prefer Ember or even Kim on its own.
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I think Kimberly is prettier, though I prefer the Kimberley spelling. The name doesn't need a nickname.
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Kimberly, so I can use Kim.
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Kimberley. Has the potential for Kim, Kimmie, or the playful Kimber. Courtney just has…Court?
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Kimberly shortens to Kim. Courtney ... I'm afraid its owners are stuck with it.That said, Kimberley in South Africa was for many years the centre of the diamond mining industry, so that's the spelling I'm used to. It looks unfinished without the -e-.
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Both are becoming dated / "Mom names," but of the two I infinitely prefer Kimberly. It just sounds... friendlier. Even though just about every Courtney I've ever met has actually been a kind person, the name has always sounded rather mean. (It's definitely the "court" part, like you're taking somebody to court.)
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Both are dull to me. I guess Kimberly is a bit sprightlier.
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In my old age I'm actually starting to see Courtney as almost cute. I only knew of one, while I knew a dozen Kims, so Courtney is less tired. It makes me think of apples.
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I like both. If I had to choose, I would choose Courtney.
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Have known a female Kimberly, a female Kimberlyn, and male Kim, while only knowing a male Courtney. So would say Kimberly from my peculiar viewpoint.
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They both feel very old-fashioned to me - they’re names from my generation, and I’m 43.I have a cousin named Kymberley so I have always found that spelling more satisfying. That said, I would still choose Kimberly over Courtney.
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