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Hilary Swank's twin's names
Hilary Swank revealed her twin's namesAya - daughter
Ohm - sonWDYT?
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Aya is beautiful regardless of how it's said. Ohm is not as great. I do think of meditation - spirituality over the child. If its supposed to be made up or unique, I wouldn't have spelled it that way. I would've used Ome. It looks a bit more like a name.
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Aya makes think of the animal aye-aye (a cute spooky animal) Ohm makes think of meditation? Personally I think both are insubstantial, but they go well together.
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Where I live, the word that sounds like Aya means 'female domestic servant'. And Ohm is embarrassingly electrifying. Can do better.
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Don't like either
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Aya is bleh.
Ohm looks like someone closed their eyes, hit a few random keys on a keyboard and decided to make it a name.
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Ohm is indeed a unit of electrical resistance these days, but it was first a name, a German surname. That said, kinda hate it. Aya is okay, like that its a name in multiple cultures.
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Ohm is an electrical term. Like a volt or an ampere.
She's just dumb, I guess.
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I assumed Ohm was a variant of Om. Both are insubstantial and unsatisfying.

This message was edited 2/15/2024, 3:51 PM

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Aya’s pretty. Ohm is interesting. I know it’s just a unit in physics, but it really isn’t that bad of a name.
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