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Cynthia or Cecilia
And Wdyt?
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I hate Cecilia and don't mind Cynthia.
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I love Cynthia, but don’t care for Cecilia. Though neither are bad. :)
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Cecilia! I do not like Cynthia at all.
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Cynthia.Cecilia is still good.
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I’m not a fan of either but if I had to choose I’d go with Cecilia. Cynthia is a 80s mean girl name to me even if shortened to Cindy.
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Cynthia is lovely if it can avoid being shortened to Cyn, pronounced Sin.
Cecilia ... Simon and Garfunkel did their best, but I still prefer the less-ornate Cecily, Brilliant song, though.
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I prefer Cynthia.
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Cynthia is better, still not really fussed with it
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I'll choose Cynthia because Cecilia is NMS. (And I am neutral about Cynthia)
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Both equally unpleasant names. I get 80s hairdresser vibes.
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