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Beatriz or Izabella
Which one of them sounds better?
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Beatriz hands down. If I wanted to call my daughter Isabella so badly I would’ve just spelt it that way, lol.
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Beatriz if it's pronounced like Beatriz. Otherwise Izabella (but I prefer Isabella).
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Izabella because I don't like Beatriz or any form of the name.
With that being said, Isabella looks better than Izabella.
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Izabella > BeatrizbutIsabella > IzabellaandBeatrix > BeatrizI love Isabella and Beatrix, and Izabella is an okay spelling. I don't care for Beatriz.
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I like both!
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Hate that spelling of Isabella. Beatriz is not as bad but it’s still a 1 or 2 out of 5 stars for me.
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I would choose Beatrice over both of these names, personally. I also really love the name Isabella, but with this spelling.
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Beatriz. I like Beatrix more though.
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Beatriz, definitely. Whereas I think of Beatriz as a cute, modern-ish classic Portuguese name, Izabella just feels -- how should I put this? -- chunky and somewhat unnatural. It's still a great name, though.

This message was edited 2/11/2024, 5:28 AM

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