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Sarah and variants
This is my name, what do you think of it? When will it die off, if ever?
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It was popular 125 years ago and it's still popular now. I think Sarah is one of the timeless names of our age and will last quite a bit longer.I used to not care for Sarah, because I knew so many. But I can see its charms now, and why it's so beloved. It's still not a favourite of mine, but it's all right.
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I love Sarah! It's such a pretty name.
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I like it and don’t think it’ll ever die out. It has a lot of significance for Judeo-Christian families.However, I do like its variations a bit more. Especially Sally, tho Sadie is a close second :)
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Muslim as well.
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I like the name. Personally, I don't think it will die off - especially in some more traditional communities.
I know multiple women who bear this name. As it is quite common, it is nearly always used in combination with a middle name - Sarah Elia, Sarah Malka...
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I like the way it looks spelled out, but unfortunately I got completely burned out on this name due to it's commonness. It went the way of Jennifer in my mind: so overused to the point where it sounds like nothing in my ears now. The only person who can make it sound sparkly and pleasant in my ears again, if only for a short while, is Sarah Brightman.
Though I will say I highly prefer the spelling of Sarah over Sara. The H, while arguably useless, just adds that little extra oomph in a good way. Sometimes unnecessary extra letters can weigh a name down, but in this case the extra letter makes it look classier and elegant.
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Love it, a classic, that will always stay
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Sarah has continually been in the top 100 save for 4 years. I find that interesting because it had an old-lady feel in the 1980s.I'm meh about the name. I knew so many growing up, all types. It's one of the very few names I find truly boring. Even my love for Sarah Bernhardt can't salvage it.
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Always liked it, don't think it will ever die off.
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It's one of the so-called 'timeless' names, so I don't think it'll disappear. I am neutral about the name itself.

This message was edited 2/4/2024, 5:27 PM

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I like the name Sarah! It's simple yet elegant, and I don't think it'll die off anytime soon.
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