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Irene, Rydan & Elysia
I met an old work colleague today when she came into my new job. Old work colleague is called Irene and known as Reenee. WDYT of Irene?Rydan is a teenage boy I met at work today. WDYT?Elysia is a new work colleague. WDYT?Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from
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I like Irene and Elysia.
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Don't really like any
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Irene is a family name so it's kind of special to me.Ryan doesn't appeal to me at all.Elysia is a rare name and I think it's attractive with an air of mystery.
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Irene is ok if pronounced with three syllables and not two. I think I prefer Eileen if two syllables though.I prefer the spelling Ryden over Rydan only because of a character I once had with the name. I really like Elysia. I wish it was used more often, it’s fresher than Elise.
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I adore Irene! It's elegant but not brittle.Rydan and Elysia don't appeal to me.
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I like all of these, though it'd depend on the pronunciation of Elysia.
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