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Wade? Wdyt of Wade? I'm surprised that it's not more popular
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It sounds like someone saying “Wayne” (which isn’t much better) with a stuffed-up nose.
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I like it
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Wade strikes me as a kind of twangy "hick" name. Like Cletus or Orville. Not very elegant, but fun in its own way. Although like Ari I am also not surprised that it's not more popular. I think Scarlett O'Hara named her first kid this in the novel, because during the Civil War it was fashionable for Southerners to name their sons after the leader of the regiment their fathers were serving in. So Melanie named her son Beau, and Scarlett was stuck with "Wade Hampton Hamilton".
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I'm not. It's heavy and clunky, like Wayne. And it makes me think of Roe v. Wade.
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I don't mind it!
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I really like it. I think of wading through water, its peaceful. It doesn't sound too soft, though.
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