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Is this to old?
I tend to favor older names in general. They have a classic feel to them, and many nick names can be used for a more childish, relaxed feel. However, is this a grandma name in a bad way?EdithI love it, I think it’s adorable, and the nn Edie is just super cute, but I don’t want to stick my daughter with a name she’ll get made fun of for. If it’s not too old/outdated middle name suggestions would be helpful
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I like Edith, especially with the nickname Edie.
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Not a fan of the sound personally, but I don't think a child named Edith will stick out too much in this day and age.
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I personally don't like Edith or Edie, but vintage names are appreciated more now than ever. You ought to strike now.
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I think you’d be ahead of the trend, and also it’s really nice.
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My Edith SagaI have had a long and complicated history with the name Edith.In the past, I hated this name, as well as the similar-ending Judith (still not a fan of that one, because I don't like Judy). Eden was eh, but no Edith for me, no way. I thought it was both harsh and dusty (so, old). And Edie, at the time, wasn't "cute" enough for me to soften it up.Then... I had the strangest dream: dreams are not common occurrences for me, so I paid attention. But it still wasn't on my list yet. A couple years later, though, I was introduced to the TV show The Last Kingdom, which I highly recommend, especially if you love medieval history (it takes place in the early Middle Ages during the Saxon & Dane / Viking conflict, and basically depicts how England eventually was united into one kingdom). While the fourth season was possibly the weakest overall (great beginning, great ending, slog in the middle), it introduced one of my favorite characters: Lady Eadith.(Side note: this was also the name, and spelling, used in Bernard Cornwell's book series, but I'm doubtful of the etymology. Modern Edith seems to have been derived from Eadgyð, which I believe would've been pronounced ED-yith, and means "fortune in battle." It's odd that the "ith" element would be modernized for us, but not the "ead" part, as King Edward is written as such and not Eadweard. But I digress.)The character of Eadith is, in no uncertain terms, a badass. I don't want to spoil too much, but she is more than once placed in impossible circumstances by factors beyond her control, but she makes intelligent choices and more than once showcases true bravery. This made me warm up to the name Edith.Now? Well... now, Edith is in my Top 10! I think the nickname Edie is perfectly suitable, and Edith is a fine name to put on forms. Besides, "Lost Generation" names ( are coming back in vogue, slowly but surely. :-)
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I have a friend with a 5 year old named Edith nn Edie. I can't think of her middle name.
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Edith is coming back and Edie blends in with all the Eden's and Evies. I doubt it will stick out as much as an Ethel or Gertrude would.You could go for a youthful MN:Edith Zoe
Edith Cara
Edith Carina
Edith Maia
Edith Maria
Edith Lucy
Edith Rachel
Edith Chloe
Edith Marissa
Edith Melissa
Edith Naomi
Edith Sophie
Edith Annabel
Edith Lauren
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Edith's getting a bit more popular in certain circles, but it's very much an old-lady name to most people. But to me, that isn't the reason I dislike it; I think it has an ugly combination of sounds, especially the th ending. If kids make fun of an Edith, and it really is about her name, it's more likely they'll make fun of it for sounding like "eat it."
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Personally, I think it's an old name, but that shouldn't ruin it. (And I apologize for previously calling this name old because I personally don't like it.)

This message was edited 2/1/2024, 9:30 AM

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I don't think it's too old. I'm generally not a fan of nicknames, but I do like Edie a lot!Edith Abigail
Edith Emmeline
Edith Madelyn
Edith Penelope
Edith Rosemarie
Edith Rosalie
Edith Marjorie
Edith Melanie
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Thank you! I noticed a lot of floral names, and while I’m not a fan of some of the ones up there, I definitely think flower names fit as a middle name.
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Edith is cute. It's not too old.Middle names:Edith Francesca
Edith Marigold
Edith Caroline
Edith Rosalita
Edith Juliana
Edith Sky
Edith Anatolia
Edith Memphis
Edith Faraday
Edith Saturday
Edith Moon
Edith Valquíria
Edith Talia
Edith Natia
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Thanks for the suggestions, I like Edith Caroline.
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Sorry don't like it at all, too old. Eden or Meredith less so
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Edith is somewhat of an old name, but I don't think it's "too old." I think it can be a cute name. Edith Marie or Edith Lynn might sound nice together, but I've never been great with middle names, haha. Good luck with your name searching!
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Edith Marie is so pretty! I think it gives the name a softer more feminine touch. I’ll definitely add this to my list
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I am not a fan but vintage names aren't my style in general. On the other hand I LOVE Eden so who knows haha
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