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two interesting finds
Both women who are members of a university drama society:Ekin and FenchurchWDYT? 🕊️❣️🌻💌🌻❣️🕊️masculine list:
feminine list:


How interesting. Ekin reminds me of Ekans the Pokémon because I don't know how it actually sounds. Fenchurch is really weird and sounds way more masculine.
I like Ekin
Don't like either
None of them seem girl-y. And isn’t Fenchurch a surname?
It is, but in this case, it's used as a first name. Apparently there's a female Fenchurch in So Long, And Thanks For All the Fish by Douglas Adams.
Fenchurch is so named because she was conceived in a queue at Fenchurch Street Station in London.
It's a joke.