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Re: What is your favorite name for every ENDING letter?
M / FSenna / Libra
Kaleb / Délibáb
Diluc / Emerenc
Galfrid / Morvarid
Cayenne / Émeraude
Kristof / Ellisif
Morning / Saimdang
Byleth / Fereshteh
Tivoli / Lazuli
Nyikoláj / Banafsaj
Dominyk / Björk
Astriel / Tanaquil
Elysium / Trillium
Sylvian / Newlyn
Viriato / Dido
Giüsèpp / Tulip
Tupaq / Nirliq
Alastor / Hesper
Aureus / Mercedes
Geralt / Yseult
Juneau / Élisabeau
Alaviv / Shenhav
Yarrow / Acheflow
Yrieix / Auxiliatrix
February / Astery
Klemenz / Nárcisz

“Dear optimist, pessimist, and realist – while you guys were busy arguing about the glass of wine, I drank it! Sincerely, the opportunist!”-Lori Greiner
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