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Re: Suggest me names like…
in reply to a message by Ani
Dorian - although I have not read the book, Dorian does remind me of the character in Oscar Wilde’s book. I think it’s too much tainted. Phineas - a name I used to love, but not anymore. To put it blut I now think the name sounds weak and old? (No offence)Julian - a name that will never go out of fashion in my opinion. Very handsome and timeless, I’m sad it’s so popular because I’d consider it for my son. Ariel - strong and feminine at the same time. Not my style, but a good name. Perdita - I like it Odette - reminds me of the ballet and I love the ballet.
All these the above names remind me of Disney charactersSuggestions: M: Sebastian | Amos | Gideon | Basil | Marcelo F: Bianca | Hera | Giselle | Margo | Elodie
formerly Belphoebe⭐️I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf
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No offense taken! Thank you for your commentary. Sebastian and Gideon are more loves of mine. Hera is too tainted by the jealous, wrathful goddess for me. I do like Amos, Basil, and Margo :)
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