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My husband mentioned today that he doesn't hate this name, it is reminiscent of the ghost, but we aren't hugely bothered by that. What do you think of Casper? Our child will be mixed race, Caucasian (mostly Irish/Scottish) and Indian.
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Awesome name! I'm not worried about the ghost either - but thar's probably because I didn't watch it often.
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I really like it! I would love to meet a little boy named Casper, it would be so cute! And I think it would be very handsome on a teenager-man and cute again on an elderly man :)
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Oh I love Casper! I think it has such wonderful personality. It's gentle, quirky in a sweet cozy sort of way, and historical/cultural, all my favourite things. And Cas is a chic nickname.
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I don't really like it
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I love the name Casper! I think it's very underrated! You are pretty unlikely to encounter a kid named Casper the same age, which will make your kid's name unique, but it's also a familiar name that everyone knows, so it won't necessarily stand out too much. :)
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