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A young international cricketer, currently playing for South Africa against India, has the given name of Nandré. My guess is that it's a merger, perhaps of Nathan and André, or perhaps of Ninette (mother) and André (father). It sounds like Nun-dray, and I don't much like it. Any opinions, or other sightings?
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I don't dislike it, but Andre is better.
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Reminds me of Ned for Edward, and Nellie for Eleanor (contraction of "mine Ed / mine Ellie"). Mine André?
You're probably right that it's a portmanteau. I think it's a pretty good one, as they go, but I'm not personally attracted to it.
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My niece's son, who's father's is from South Africa is Handre. So maybe many variations of Andre there. Don't really like Nandre though
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You're right; I've seen Handre too, more than once, and though I don't like it exactly, I do prefer it to Nandré. Not sure why!
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I think there's a football player with the name is SA. Nan dre is more like nan or nun. Handre sounds better for sure
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