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What do you think of Alyssa?
What do you think of the name Alyssa pronounced Uh-lis-suh? Please say what you like or dislike about it. We are also looking for double middle name suggestions. We have a list of names we like so far:Alyssa Alexandra
Alyssa Anastasia
Alyssa Elizabeth (family name)
Alyssa Gabrielle
Alyssa Hermione
Alyssa Odette
Alyssa Sabrina
Alyssa SerenitySecond middle names: Faith, Leigh (family name), Maree (family name, prn Marie), Odette.Of course we're open to other middle name suggestions as well. Older sister is Emily Jacqueline Rose Perry.
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Alyssa is cute although it's not my thing. Emily and Alyssa... Yeah, they work together. Alyssa Elizabeth is too tongue twistery; it sounds a bit silly, like "Alyssa Alyssabeth". Maybe if you put something in between them! Alyssa Gabrielle is pretty in an approachable way. Gabrielle, Odette, and Hermione are nice and unexpected. But I feel like Gabrielle matches the vibe of Emily Jacqueline Rose much better. I want Alyssa to have 3 names as well, though. So I'll just blab some ideas:Alyssa Violet Gabrielle
Alyssa Gabrielle Maree
Alyssa June Gabrielle
Alyssa Evelyn Gabrielle
Alyssa Lucy Gabrielle
Alyssa Gabrielle Louise
Alyssa Claire Gabrielle
Alyssa Faith Gabrielle
Alyssa Gabrielle Celine
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Why are you posing the same question two days in a row?Alyssa Hermione gets my vote, though it doesn't need a second middle name.
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I've only known Alyssa to be pronounced that way, and I know many my age; I have always thought that Alyssa is a very wonderful, enticing name (with a secretly sour edge).
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My opinion hasn't changed since your previous post; however, if you dislike Alice, then Alyssa might not be the best choice. I'd expect lots of people checking that they'd heard correctly, using Alice as a nn, asking about Alicia ...Anyway, to recap:
Alyssa is unnecessarily 'decorative' with that y and ss. I vastly prefer Alice or Alison, and would use them without hesitation.
Alice/Alison Elizabeth Leigh
Alison Faith Maree
Alice/Alison Lucille Anastasia
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This is my favorite way to say Alyssa. It might just be because that's how I've heard it growing up. There's no strain of difficulties to it. However, it's sort of basic.
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It's okay. The sound isn't my style, but it has a friendly and lovely atmosphere.
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I like it just as much as I did yesterday when you asked the very same question
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Alyssa is pretty and lighter/not as many associations as Alice (books, songs etc.). I think Alyssa goes very well with Emily.I wouldn't pair Alyssa with Alexandra or Elizabeth, doesn't flow well. I like Alyssa Gabrielle best (I'd go with Alyssa Gabrielle Faith).
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Too 90s!
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