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Jane / Janie
What are your thoughts on Jane / nickname Janie? Or just Jane? We always think of plain Jane of course, but I do think it has a level of class to it despite its image of lacking originality and spice. It is also CLASSICAL of course. It always makes me think of the less popular sister of Mary. I always think of Jane Austen and then Jane Bennett, of course. I also think of the TV show "Jane the Virgin" which I was very into for a few years and then very into the name. I might consider using it if a partner was really into it and NN Janie was indeed on the table. "Janie" was probably my first "name crush" next to Cassie. wdyt?
ALSO: I'm not dead I swear. Grad school and full-time work is just kicking my butt. Sending love to those who care. Waves to those who don't.Please rate my "Names I would Use" list & "Backup Favorites" list. Feel free to rate some of my other lists too if you have the time.

This message was edited 12/22/2023, 7:53 PM

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Jane is a very plain name to me.
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I've always been partial to it as it's related to my mother's name Janet, the name of my beloved Great Aunt Juanita, and the middle name of one of my favorite cousins. Any Jane nn Janie has been a combination of intelligence and sweetness. I love it being classic yet spunky enough to transition throughout life and growth.
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Jane is ok and Janie is ok as a nn for a child
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I love Jane too; but my sister just used it.Jane is dignified for a woman; Janie is cute for childhood and close friends and family. :)Also I don’t know you but hope grad school is going well! ❤️
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Jane is even more of a placeholder name than Mary. Janie is an overly sweet, cutesy, old-fashioned-placeholder-type name for a little girl character in a book, like Johnny. I'm very glad Jane and Janie aren't my name.
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I like Jane very much, and don't find her plain. Jane has force. I'd much rather see Jane as a first than as a middle. Nice namesakes too - Jane Austen, Eyre, Fonda. But I don't like Janie at all. It feels childish and weak. Not quite as bad as Josie, though.
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Janie is fine as a nn for a young Jane. Jane itself is wonderful for all ages and stages, and I'd be happy to use it. And, I care, and I send you my love.
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