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Which name trends do you like?
My favorite name trend is that names are more diverse than ever before. And I like that there are more gender-neutral names available.

This message was edited 12/16/2023, 4:59 AM

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I love the -elle and -ella trend, as well as the trend of bringing back 1800s names.
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In the last year, I've experienced a shift in my name tastes - particularly my feminine name list. My likes used to be mostly romantic, almost fairytale (Morgana, Ursula, Callista, Clarissa); while some of my Top 10 certainly remain in that category, I've started to really develop a taste for what I can best describe as "Lost Generation names that fell out": Alice (this one's sort of coming back in the U.S.), Edith, Harriet, Hester / Esther...Is this a sign of my feminine tastes maturing? I don't think the aforementioned "fairytale" names are bad at all, but I find these other names more... practical, I guess.My masculine names are pretty fixed, but I don't know what to call the aesthetic. Below are names that have stayed in my Top 10, unchanged, for the last year or so:Nicholas
DominicI clearly like the letters M and N...

This message was edited 12/17/2023, 5:49 PM

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I like that vintage names are coming back into style, and that nature names are being more widely used.
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I like it that classic names such Amelia, Emily, Charlotte, and Olivia are coming back for girls.
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