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Rate the following combos
Grant Christopher
Grant James
Grant Nicholas
Nicholas Grant
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I'll say Nicholas Grant is a 10 for the best because all the other trips me up with Grant being the first name. I kinda do a stumble between going from Grant and the other name(s). So, maybe a five, each, for the first three.Nicholas Grant doesn't give me those troubles, so that one's the absolute best here.
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Nicholas Grant is a def!
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Grant Christopher 2
Grant James 3
Grant Nicholas 2
Nicholas Grant 8I didn't know that Cinnamon was a surname until I was working with a set of public exam results years ago. There it was: Cinnamon, Grant David. And I instantly thought 'Grant David cinnamon, but refuse to give him nutmeg'.
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Well my surname isn't cinnamon so I am good
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Thank you
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