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Thoughts? It was in my top 10 a year ago, but it’s been off my list for months. Now I kind of like it again. What do you think?
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Amity is on my favorite female name PNL's - one of them anyway - love it lots. Gives me Halloweeny type vibes (although not sure why), overall a nice name.
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I used to absolutely love this name, but now I can say I just like it. It's still nice.
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I have met an Amity. I didn't find it too difficult or strange to say. I like it. It's like it has all the good things about a Puritan vibe, and none of the bad.
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Good meaning; better than trite and soggy Amy; I'd like to meet one, but I'd never consider it myself.
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I love this name in theory, but, like Wordsmith, it doesn't ever sound right when I say it. My accent makes it sound like "AMiddy" which is a little blah. It is a beautiful and cute name, though. And as a horror nerd, I love it for the connection to haunted houses.
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I quite like it in theory, but it always sounds wooden when I say it. Also, I grew up on Long Island (NY), so the town of Amityville and the notorious horrors that took place there loom large in my mind.Do you like Verity? I recently added that to my PNL.
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I like Verity a lot: one of the few virtue names that I can face. I've also encountered Verity as a surname, which gives it another dimension altogether.
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I don’t like it but for me this is due to a previous association with the name rather than the name itself. It is a name in other circumstances I would like so maybe in a few years.
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Don't like it, much prefer Amy
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