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Re: Top 10 for December
I haven’t done this in a minute!1. Luna
2. Amélie
3. Esmeray
4. Anne-Marie
5. Esmée
6. Marie-Claire
7. Aviva
8. Evangeline
9. Livia
10. Leocadia / Leokadia1. Evander
2. Rainer
3. Ezra
4. Kian / Cian
5. Raphael
6. Adriel
7. Francisco
8. Odin
9. Silas
10. RomanI’ll come back in a second to compare the last time I did this.Okay, so the last time I did this back in March of this year, my lost looked like this:1. Luna
2. Beatrix
3. Isadora / Isidora
4. Sylvia
5. Amélie
6. Séraphine
7. Leocadia
8. Adelaide
8. Marie-Claire
9. Lorelei
10. Ophelia1. Rainer
2. Evander
3. Maximilian
4. Raphael
5. Cian / Kian
6. Leo
7. Silas
8. Levi
9. Joseph
10. Xavier
Have I lost love for Beatrix, Adelaide, Séraphine, Isadora, or Sylvia? Absolutely not! I still love Beatrix and the combo Beatrix Luna. The name Adelaide is still beautiful to me, but feel a bit lackluster as far as my taste goes these days… Séraphine is still gorgeous to me at least, but it feels a bit cold and rough on the edges now. I think I would prefer Ségolène. I still love French names I see, lol. Isadora is still a fav, along with Sylvia. But of course, I still love the witchy and dark yet innocent Lorelei.The boys lost had virtually no change, really, but I added some names I’ve been in love with as of lately. Francisco - a name I would’ve never thought I’d actually like. I’ve been watching this Argentine YouTuber lately and the way he pronounces his name was very captivating. I mean the delivery was perfect. I just think this name is very handsome and chill. I never really paid it much attention before.
"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." - William Shakespeare


This message was edited 12/3/2023, 4:37 PM

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