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I posted last year about a baby named P i p e n (P i p). He now has a brother P E R C I V A L (P er c y). Wdyt? What would you name a third one? I like how different they are and some thinking must’ve been put into naming them.
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Pippin is cute although very youthful, but the spelling they used looks like it would be pronounced like someone installing pipes. Pliny, Puck, Ptolemy, Pellinore, Phineas, or Peredur "Perry" Maybe Pandora, Phoebe, or Paulina for a girl.
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These are so cute and unique! Maybe Proven/Provin (PRAW-vin) for a third child.
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Pepys ("peeps") if I'm being a brat about it.Phineas or Ptolemy would be cute. That way it follows the "theme" but also the name has its own personality.
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I love Percival. Pipen's really bad (is it PIP-en? Or PIPE-en?), but Pip is friendly enough, I guess. Peregrine for a third?
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Pike or Philander
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Patroclus maybe? or Phinehas? Ptolemy?
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I named my son Peter; Percival, nn Percy is a family name. Pipen eliminates Philip; nn Pip is already in use. Though they could call him Phil I suppose: I would prefer it. Otherwise, Padraig or even just Patrick would do.
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I don’t really like any P boys names apart from Phoenix but that doesn’t fit. Maybe Piers / Pierce for an offbeat Englishy name.
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Sort of cute. Not names I'd use.My favorite masculine P names are Plutarch and Peregrine, but one's too close to Pipen, and the other doesn't fit with the homespun medieval British village type vibe I feel they have, so...Patrick or Padraig. I could also see Peter, Palmer, or Palmiro.
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Such a cute combo! Though I wouldn’t want to be named Pipen myself if I were a man :/ I would actually prefer Peregrine nn Pipen.
Percival is a favorite though, it’s so romantic and Percy is sweet.
I can’t think of a brother name right now, it would have to also begin with P right? Maybe Phineas?
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I don't like either, maybe Paxton
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