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Re: Babynames of week 45/2023
in reply to a message by Chaka
Hedda - OK I suppose. Too Gabler for me.
Ava Beau - but don't 'ave a Belle?
Keely - trite, bland and forgettable.
Milka Fabienne - Milka, like a farm labourer? Fabienne is fine.
Elfie - better than Effie, but too twee.
Raimy Nouri - Ray-my? Rhymy? No.
Jomaima-Maliyah Hailey - fascinating! Presumably a jazz improvisation on Jemima and Maria, followed by dull and dated Hailey?
Clarissa - Good; I prefer the less frilly Clare, but Clarissa is OK.
Emanda - needs to be emanded ... er, amended! A merger between Emma (but why just one m?) and Amanda, no doubt.
Theda - OK.
Jillian Marie - fine. I'd prefer Gillian Mary, but this will do.
Johanna Aletta - could be an Afrikaans family! Unremarkable.
Erna Martha - fine in German. Nice to see Martha.
Inga Henrike - can't warm up to either of them.
Juna Novabell – Juna would sound like Una, no doubt, which is fine. Novabell for a beautiful new baby is understandable but unlikely to last.
Bruna - better by far than Brunhilde.
Eléna - OK; I prefer Helen to all its possible variants.
Lavea - awful; like a soap made by Nivea.
Jorin Bosse - unattractive.
Philian Richard - affiliate? Phil(ip) plus (Will)ia(m)n? Yikes! Richard is great.
Lirian - maybe a cousin of Philian? Or, Ian playing the lyre? Oh dear.
Spiros Alexandros - great.
Jonathan Leander Lawrence - wow: astonishing, and oddly attractive though I only really like Lawrence.
Ümmüs - I can't see beyond hummus, which is delicious but not human!
Lyo Jamie - awful. Leo James, yes; this mangled version, no.
Fiete William Alexander - I dislike nns as full names. OK, Friedrich with the other two would make it very long, but rather that than leave the child with no nn options as he grows up.
Vedant - meaningful to the namers no doubt; looks like Verdant to me.
Mohammad Rahim - once again, a culturally significant choice.
Matiyos - gosh! Is it a version of Matthias?
Elrik - clumsy, somehow. I prefer Erik.
Kobi - once again, Jakob or Jakobus would be preferable because of giving more options later on.
Emilio Tyrese - nice one; good flow.
Charlie Karl Joshua - Charlie Karl is not successful. Charles Joshua or Karl Joshua would have been much better.
Angelina Melody (daughter of music mogul Jack White) - needs a good squeeze of lemon
Gioia (daughter of professional soccer player Mario Götze) - very pretty
Justus & Emmi - Justus is just OK, Emmi ... another diminutive, and Emma is overused.
Matheo & Mathea - not a good idea at all.
Acelya Melek & Ceyda Meliya - oh dear. Celia, fine. Melek, rather like Milka above; Ceyda - OK in its natural habitat; Meliya, no doubt a form of Maria. On the whole, not for me at all.
Thea & Gabriel - all right; I'd prefer Dorothea.
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