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Re: Top 10 for December
Just this morning I finalized my Top 10 combos for December:David Evander
Dominic Edmund
Donovan Leo
Finn Gabriel
Malcolm Elliott
Nicholas Wolfgang
Richard Alistair
Thomas Noel Ambrose
Tobias Adrian
Wesley Owen Rhys
Alice Genevieve
Blair Adelaide
Edith Alexandra
Eve Anastasia
Felicity Charlotte
Helena Phoebe
Josephine Elise
Miranda Juliet
Sabrina Lily
Ursula DaphneI have restored the stock combo Felicity Charlotte! As for differences between last month and now: David, Blair, Felicity, and Josephine have replaced Alistair (now a middle), Audrey, Katherine, and Nadia. Honorable mentions go to Asa, Brooke, and Rose, as they were on the list in the interim. There are also several different middle names for combos that had previously seemed stable.Ten years ago, these were my top combos:Malcolm Timothy
Dominic Richard
Jason Elijah
Nathaniel Robert
Elliott Emmanuel
Edmund Hugh
Cameron Wesley
Nicholas Owen
David Miles
Jericho William
Deirdre Elinor
Penelope Wren
Katharine Juliet
Rebecca Françoise
Yvette Alexandra
Lindsay Eloise
Callista Marguerite
Ursula Charlotte
Genevieve Irene
Esmée LillianHey look, there's David! Although I have no clue what Jason is doing on the list - and so high up, too. But a lot of these names are familiar (including GP Jericho). Rebecca Françoise and Yvette Alexandra are particularly easy on the eyes & ears...Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose...***Please rate my personal name
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