Leighton, Lexington, and Livingston
🔲 What do you think of these surnames used as first names?
🔲 If you had to pick one, what would you pick from these three?
🔲 Would you rather them to be used as feminine or masculine first name?
🔲 Any fn + mn combinations?
Thanks in advance (and long time no see!) 😁
Greetings from 15 hours ahead!
🔲 If you had to pick one, what would you pick from these three?
🔲 Would you rather them to be used as feminine or masculine first name?
🔲 Any fn + mn combinations?
Thanks in advance (and long time no see!) 😁
Greetings from 15 hours ahead!
Leighton: Either an old rich guy or a rich kid named after an old rich guy.
Lexington: "I wanted to call my kid Lexi but I thought Alex- names were boring so I named her after Lexington, KY"
Livingston: This is just a city to me, I can't picture it on a person even in the way I pictured Lexington.
I see Leighton and Livingston on boys and Lexington on a girl.
Leighton Conrad, Lexington Ashley, and Livingston... idk, it still doesn't sound like a name at all to me
Lexington: "I wanted to call my kid Lexi but I thought Alex- names were boring so I named her after Lexington, KY"
Livingston: This is just a city to me, I can't picture it on a person even in the way I pictured Lexington.
I see Leighton and Livingston on boys and Lexington on a girl.
Leighton Conrad, Lexington Ashley, and Livingston... idk, it still doesn't sound like a name at all to me
This message was edited 10/29/2023, 6:12 PM
Lexington and Livingston are both places near me, so I can’t see them as first names. Leighton is okay though. I have met a little girl with this name and it doesn’t seem as much of a surname as the others. I would think Leighton with this spelling would be a girl because of the Leigh part, but I could see Layton on a boy being pronounced the same. Livingston would definitely be a boy. I’m not sure on Lexington. Maybe unisex.
Unless they are family names, which is unlikely, I dislike and deplore all of them. I would not pick one, regardless of gender.
Leighton is probably the most name-y in sound, then Lexington, and Livingston not at all.
If I had to pick one it would be Lexington nn Lexi for a girl or Lex for a boy.
I’d prefer Livingston not be used as a first name at all for anyone. Leighton I’ve seen used as masculine and Lexington as feminine and I don’t mind I guess.
No combinations come to mind at the moment.
If I had to pick one it would be Lexington nn Lexi for a girl or Lex for a boy.
I’d prefer Livingston not be used as a first name at all for anyone. Leighton I’ve seen used as masculine and Lexington as feminine and I don’t mind I guess.
No combinations come to mind at the moment.