WDYT of Emmylou?
Workable as a first name or not? Sweet or twee? Too much of a Madonna-name (really only works on one person)? Too hickish? Too nicknamey?
Emmylou has appealed to me a great deal lately, and I'd like opinions on it. My favourite no-way-in-Hell combo is Emmylou Glory, but I'm also growing a bit fond of Emmylou Hazel. WDYT of those, and does anything pop out at you as a really great combo with Emmylou as either a first or middle name?
All I ask is that you don't suggest some form of Emily paired with some form of Louise with Emmylou as a nickname, because I can't think of any form of Emily I would ever seriously consider using on a child. Same with Emmanuelle and, really, everything else that starts with Em-. :/ If you can think of a really striking Em- name that's not in the database, though...I'd be interested in hearing it. :)
And if you have nothing but negatives to say about the name? That's cool, too. I'm pretty thick-skinned...but I reserve the right to reply to every post explaining why Emmylou is clearly a superior name. ;D
Array (thinks Emmylou Harris is awesome)
Mick Jagger is older than:
1. Velcro
2. Cake mix
3. Israel
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Emmylou has appealed to me a great deal lately, and I'd like opinions on it. My favourite no-way-in-Hell combo is Emmylou Glory, but I'm also growing a bit fond of Emmylou Hazel. WDYT of those, and does anything pop out at you as a really great combo with Emmylou as either a first or middle name?
All I ask is that you don't suggest some form of Emily paired with some form of Louise with Emmylou as a nickname, because I can't think of any form of Emily I would ever seriously consider using on a child. Same with Emmanuelle and, really, everything else that starts with Em-. :/ If you can think of a really striking Em- name that's not in the database, though...I'd be interested in hearing it. :)
And if you have nothing but negatives to say about the name? That's cool, too. I'm pretty thick-skinned...but I reserve the right to reply to every post explaining why Emmylou is clearly a superior name. ;D
Array (thinks Emmylou Harris is awesome)
Mick Jagger is older than:
1. Velcro
2. Cake mix
3. Israel
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
See my response to divine90.
I go to a school where there are professors named Geri, Shanan, Azela, Kristi, Merri Lee, and Debra. This logic of "I'd never take a Professor Emmylou seriously" still confuses me--Professor Merri Lee has managed all right, after all.
Mick Jagger is older than:
1. Velcro
2. Cake mix
3. Israel
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
I go to a school where there are professors named Geri, Shanan, Azela, Kristi, Merri Lee, and Debra. This logic of "I'd never take a Professor Emmylou seriously" still confuses me--Professor Merri Lee has managed all right, after all.
Mick Jagger is older than:
1. Velcro
2. Cake mix
3. Israel
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
I know of an Emmi, which is not a nn. Since you abhor Emma and Emily, I can't see you using as Emmy or Emmylou as nn's for anything. So in your case, I can't see why Emmylou as a formal name is a bad thing. :b I personally couldn't get past the backwoods/hick association, but it's still a hell of a lot better than McKynzie or somesuch.
"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" - Ernest Gaines
"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" - Ernest Gaines
Just had a thought...(m)
I know, scary, right? LOL.
What about the initials M.E. and the middle name Louise, Louanne, Lucille, etc. She could still be called Emmylou, but her full name would be, for example, Magnolia Elanor Lucille nn Emmylou.
Whaddya think?
"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" - Ernest Gaines
I know, scary, right? LOL.
What about the initials M.E. and the middle name Louise, Louanne, Lucille, etc. She could still be called Emmylou, but her full name would be, for example, Magnolia Elanor Lucille nn Emmylou.
Whaddya think?
"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" - Ernest Gaines
If you like the name which I do I suggest calling her Emily Louanne. Then using it as a nickname
Like I said, can't use Emily.
I really can't do the Emily thing--there's too many, and I only recognize one as a legitimate Emily (similarly, there's only one legit Maddie in the world, hehe). My Emily quota is full, I'm afraid. ;)
Thank you for the help, though! Louanne is one I'll have to think on.
Array :D
Mick Jagger is older than:
1. Velcro
2. Cake mix
3. Israel
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
I really can't do the Emily thing--there's too many, and I only recognize one as a legitimate Emily (similarly, there's only one legit Maddie in the world, hehe). My Emily quota is full, I'm afraid. ;)
Thank you for the help, though! Louanne is one I'll have to think on.
Array :D
Mick Jagger is older than:
1. Velcro
2. Cake mix
3. Israel
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Sorry didn't read that part of the post what about combos made from some of these.
Emerisa Emerise
Emerisa Emerise
I was going to say it made me think of Emmylou Harris, who is very cool.
I'm not keen on Emmylou Glory, but Emmylou Hazel is nice. I think Hazel is seriously underrated as a girls' name.
'One hundred per cent of the shots you don't take don't go in'
Wayne Gretzky

Liking: Allegra Clare, Anthony Joseph
PPs in profile!
I'm not keen on Emmylou Glory, but Emmylou Hazel is nice. I think Hazel is seriously underrated as a girls' name.
Wayne Gretzky
Liking: Allegra Clare, Anthony Joseph
PPs in profile!
If you're wanting a different Em- name. She was a character in a series of school stories I used to read (The Chalet School).
Emmylou sounds to immature for my liking, it would be sweet on a little girl but once she gets past her mid-teens I'd have problems taking an Emmylou seriously, it's just so cutesy.
~Louise x
~*~Top Names~*~
Charles Frederick & Isabel Primrose

If you're wanting a different Em- name. She was a character in a series of school stories I used to read (The Chalet School).
Emmylou sounds to immature for my liking, it would be sweet on a little girl but once she gets past her mid-teens I'd have problems taking an Emmylou seriously, it's just so cutesy.
~Louise x
Charles Frederick & Isabel Primrose

This message was edited 6/9/2006, 4:01 AM
I really like it its pretty and cute
I don't think emmylou would work for a child. Just imagine if she wants to become a doctor or lawyer!! You should choose something that she can use and not feel ashamed of, or get teased by. If you really must name someone that, i recommend getting a pet!
but anyway, i liked the name, as a nickname, but something more...?? dunno. useable?
i also like the name Emaline (spelt with any variation).
Or Jessabelle, Crystal, Gwendoline, Miranda, Justine, Garnet, Tia (pronounced 'T-ah')
I like the name Hazel, but not Glory.
hope i helped. if not, well, you know which ones to exclude! :)
but anyway, i liked the name, as a nickname, but something more...?? dunno. useable?
i also like the name Emaline (spelt with any variation).
Or Jessabelle, Crystal, Gwendoline, Miranda, Justine, Garnet, Tia (pronounced 'T-ah')
I like the name Hazel, but not Glory.
hope i helped. if not, well, you know which ones to exclude! :)
What *if* she wants to be a doctor? So what?
I have to wonder what would be wrong with Dr. Emmylou Schultz or Emmylou Janssen, attorney at law. Do those really sound shameful to you?
Also, what's teaseable about Emmylou that makes it so unacceptable? Do you see any cruel nicknames that could arise from it?
If this sounds defensive, I'm sorry--I don't mean it to sound that way. I seriously just want to know the answers to these questions; sometime recently, I moved past the question of "What if she becomes a doctor?" without noticing, and now it sounds ridiculous to me. My response is, like, "Well, yeah, but what if she becomes a doctor? She's going to be living in a world of Destinee Martin, MD, and besides that, anyone who bases their trust in a doctor on the fact that he's Doctor John rather than Doctor Tyler has more than a few screws loose."
If you could explain to me the reasoning behind the "What if she wants to be someone intelligent?" (because, really, that's what that question boils down to), in a world where two of the most successful chicks around are named Dolly and Oprah, I'd appreciate it. (And please don't respond with the answer that success isn't brains, because in both their cases, that's not so. Dolly Parton and Oprah are both very smart business women, to do what they've done.)
This turned into a rant, I suspect, and I apologize again--I really didn't mean it to do so, lol. Thank you for your help and your suggestions; I do like Gwendolyn, Mira, Justinia / Justicia, Tia (Tia and Tony!), and Garnet (but only on a boy). It was very nice of you to offer me some names, and I appreciate it. :)
Mick Jagger is older than:
1. Velcro
2. Cake mix
3. Israel
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
I have to wonder what would be wrong with Dr. Emmylou Schultz or Emmylou Janssen, attorney at law. Do those really sound shameful to you?
Also, what's teaseable about Emmylou that makes it so unacceptable? Do you see any cruel nicknames that could arise from it?
If this sounds defensive, I'm sorry--I don't mean it to sound that way. I seriously just want to know the answers to these questions; sometime recently, I moved past the question of "What if she becomes a doctor?" without noticing, and now it sounds ridiculous to me. My response is, like, "Well, yeah, but what if she becomes a doctor? She's going to be living in a world of Destinee Martin, MD, and besides that, anyone who bases their trust in a doctor on the fact that he's Doctor John rather than Doctor Tyler has more than a few screws loose."
If you could explain to me the reasoning behind the "What if she wants to be someone intelligent?" (because, really, that's what that question boils down to), in a world where two of the most successful chicks around are named Dolly and Oprah, I'd appreciate it. (And please don't respond with the answer that success isn't brains, because in both their cases, that's not so. Dolly Parton and Oprah are both very smart business women, to do what they've done.)
This turned into a rant, I suspect, and I apologize again--I really didn't mean it to do so, lol. Thank you for your help and your suggestions; I do like Gwendolyn, Mira, Justinia / Justicia, Tia (Tia and Tony!), and Garnet (but only on a boy). It was very nice of you to offer me some names, and I appreciate it. :)
Mick Jagger is older than:
1. Velcro
2. Cake mix
3. Israel
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
This message was edited 6/9/2006, 6:35 AM
I have to agree with you. I don't think a name at all reflects what a person should be or if they are professionally competent. I know there have been studies done where they do show certain names are taken more seriously however I do think a person is being discriminating if they are using professional based on what the name of a person is and not the creditials they have behind them.
Neither sweet nor twee, very hickish and just plain horrifying. It just doesn't seem like a bona fide name to me - Emmy and Lou are nn so pair them together and what do you get? A mish mash of indecisiveness.
No-way-in-hell combos just for the fun of it:
Emmylou Penelope
Emmylou Roberta
Emmylou Kirsten
Emmylou Belle
Emmylou Jean might just scrape by though : )
No-way-in-hell combos just for the fun of it:
Emmylou Penelope
Emmylou Roberta
Emmylou Kirsten
Emmylou Belle
Emmylou Jean might just scrape by though : )
Hickish doesn't bother me one whit, I should mention. You're talking to someone who made a conscious choice to go by her first and middle name, making me an Amy Rae. Say that with a twang, ha. ;)
I do like Emmylou Roberta; that's very nice, and I hadn't thought of it. Also nice is Emmylou Jean, but I'm not comfortable with the idea of using Jean as a middle name, I'm afraid. :/
Thanks for your help. :D
Mick Jagger is older than:
1. Velcro
2. Cake mix
3. Israel
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
I do like Emmylou Roberta; that's very nice, and I hadn't thought of it. Also nice is Emmylou Jean, but I'm not comfortable with the idea of using Jean as a middle name, I'm afraid. :/
Thanks for your help. :D
Mick Jagger is older than:
1. Velcro
2. Cake mix
3. Israel
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Emmylou is kinda of cute, but I can't see it aging very well, despite Ms. Emmylou Harris.
Emmylou Glory & Emmylou Hazel are cute though .
As for Em- names, and I'm sure you won't like most of these, but I'm still going to suggest them : )
Emerald - Kind of a Topaz Mortmain feel for ya ; )
Emma-Jean - Yes, it's Emma, but I just had to suggest it since it has Jean with it.

Emmylou Glory & Emmylou Hazel are cute though .
As for Em- names, and I'm sure you won't like most of these, but I'm still going to suggest them : )
Emerald - Kind of a Topaz Mortmain feel for ya ; )
Emma-Jean - Yes, it's Emma, but I just had to suggest it since it has Jean with it.

Emma-Jean would be really nice if Emma wasn't supersaturated at the moment. :( It's really too bad, because there were Emmas on both sides of my family--I'd probably like the name if it wasn't so popular.
Thank you for trying, hehe. I'm trying to like an Em- name--just one is all I need!--but none of them feel quite right to me. Emerald comes close, but something about it rings false. :/ Same with Ember; I want to like it, but it just doesn't feel right.
I might have to just bite the bullet and accept that Emmylou is thus far the only Em- name that appeals to me in any way, lol. I also rather like Emelot, but that's mostly because I used to really like Amelot, heh. Emelot (Emelota, Emelotte, Emelote?) doesn't seem particularly workable outside of thirteenth-century England, though. Hmmm...Emmencia? Emlinie? Emblin? Emblem? Emelenine? Emelisse?
Array (doesn't know)
Mick Jagger is older than:
1. Velcro
2. Cake mix
3. Israel
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Thank you for trying, hehe. I'm trying to like an Em- name--just one is all I need!--but none of them feel quite right to me. Emerald comes close, but something about it rings false. :/ Same with Ember; I want to like it, but it just doesn't feel right.
I might have to just bite the bullet and accept that Emmylou is thus far the only Em- name that appeals to me in any way, lol. I also rather like Emelot, but that's mostly because I used to really like Amelot, heh. Emelot (Emelota, Emelotte, Emelote?) doesn't seem particularly workable outside of thirteenth-century England, though. Hmmm...Emmencia? Emlinie? Emblin? Emblem? Emelenine? Emelisse?
Array (doesn't know)
Mick Jagger is older than:
1. Velcro
2. Cake mix
3. Israel
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
I have to admit that I do like Emelot! It does remind me of Camelot, but that's not so bad. I think Emmelotte is my favorite spelling.
I have to admit that I do like Emelot! It does remind me of Camelot, but that's not so bad. I think Emmelotte is my favorite spelling.
Damn, I was just about to say, "Maybe you could use Emma Lucille..." Oh well. :)
I like Emmylou a lot, in theory. Whether a little girl called that today would be teased, I can't tell you. It would certainly stand out between the Maddie's and the Ryan's.
The combo that immeadiately occurs to me Emmylou Marie.
-- Sarah
I like Emmylou a lot, in theory. Whether a little girl called that today would be teased, I can't tell you. It would certainly stand out between the Maddie's and the Ryan's.
The combo that immeadiately occurs to me Emmylou Marie.
-- Sarah
Emma's not one I can go with...
Too many already--I couldn't bear to have a daughter named Emma, lol. I'm heartless when it comes to that. :)
Lucille, on the other hand...well, Lucille is something. I didn't think about all the Luce names as the second half, and Lucille is sort-of-almost a family name. (It was my grandmother's name for approximately three days after she was born. Then her parents decided to change it and crossed it out on their copy of her birth certificate, thinking doing that was enough to make her name Lois, lol.) So Emmylou (because Emmylu just doesn't look right, even if it's more accurate) as a nickname is a definite possibility, provided I could find an Em- name that doesn't sound overwrought (Emiliana), overused (Emma, Emily), or simply not "me" enough (Emilia).
But on the other hand...If parents are okay with naming kids Emmaleigh, is Emmylou all that different? And with such a strong namesake, it might be able to stand on its own relatively well. Hmmm....
Mick Jagger is older than:
1. Velcro
2. Cake mix
3. Israel
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Too many already--I couldn't bear to have a daughter named Emma, lol. I'm heartless when it comes to that. :)
Lucille, on the other hand...well, Lucille is something. I didn't think about all the Luce names as the second half, and Lucille is sort-of-almost a family name. (It was my grandmother's name for approximately three days after she was born. Then her parents decided to change it and crossed it out on their copy of her birth certificate, thinking doing that was enough to make her name Lois, lol.) So Emmylou (because Emmylu just doesn't look right, even if it's more accurate) as a nickname is a definite possibility, provided I could find an Em- name that doesn't sound overwrought (Emiliana), overused (Emma, Emily), or simply not "me" enough (Emilia).
But on the other hand...If parents are okay with naming kids Emmaleigh, is Emmylou all that different? And with such a strong namesake, it might be able to stand on its own relatively well. Hmmm....
Mick Jagger is older than:
1. Velcro
2. Cake mix
3. Israel
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Emmylou is much, much better than Emmaleigh. But then again, there are no circumstances under which I would endorse the use of Emmaleigh.
I'm sure you've thought of this, but there's a whole world to be explored of lovely names that feature "em" without beginning with it, which, combined with Lucille, could provide an arguable source for Emmylou (one I like is Clementine).
-- Sarah
I'm sure you've thought of this, but there's a whole world to be explored of lovely names that feature "em" without beginning with it, which, combined with Lucille, could provide an arguable source for Emmylou (one I like is Clementine).
-- Sarah