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Does anybody like this name? Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
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it's good. wouldn't use it as a Jew.
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Don't really like it
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I do, but it's too close to dork to be used in real life
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I don’t
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Sounds too much like “dork” to be usable to me.
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I've always liked that name. It's got a pretty ring to it.
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I wanted to name a goldendoodle Dorcas once, but I got overruled, and her name is Sophie.I'd like Dorcas for people if dork didn't make it seem goofy. I feel like (if I ignore dork), Dorcas is cooler than Dorothy or Frances, and it's sturdier than Doris; it seems sophisticated and wholesome.

This message was edited 10/8/2023, 7:11 PM

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Historically, I think Dorcas was somewhat common only because it's how the nickname Cassy/Cassie was derived. Once it became socially acceptable to veer from Biblical, saint, and other "classic" names to those from ancient mythology (particularly Greek & Roman), and Cassandra became popular, Dorcas fell by the wayside.And... honestly, that's understandable. Even if it weren't for the "dork" association, I honestly don't think Dorcas is attractive at all. It's one of the harshest names I know of - up there with Gertrude & Gudrun. If I'd somehow been compelled to use Dorcas, you bet your bottom dollar my little girl would've gone by Cassie!
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I like it. I think I must have read a book with a Dorcas character who was very kind, because I have this almost unconscious association with Dorcas being a sweet, gentle name. Can't remember where it came from though.
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I actually like Dorcas myself a good deal, but I'd have a hard time recommending it to any American parents because of the word "dork."
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It's alright yet very pretty name.
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Certainly not me. Sounds like dork ass.
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I love it. It's so hopelessly beautiful.
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That's interesting. I would never describe it as beautiful, even if I did like the name.
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That's why it's hopeless!
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Always secretly liked it, been near the top at my gp list forever.
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Makes me think of orcas.
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It makes me think of Aunt Dorcas, who's a pig, from the Beatrix Potter books. I personally hate it
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