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Re: Top 10 for September
in reply to a message by Uilos
No symbol means it has remained the same as last month.
(+?) or (-?) is how much it has moved from last month.
(new) means it is new from last month.1. Primrose (+4)
2. Naomi (-1)
3. Mary
4. Julia (-2)
5. Sylvie (-1)
6. Margot
7. Matilda
8. Vivian (+1)
9. Hannah (new)
10. Lucy (back from June)Honourable mentions to Cora, Stella, Nadia, and (Magda)lena.1. Nathaniel (+2)
2. Raphael
3. Malachi (-2)
4. Wesley (+1)
5. Gabriel (+1)
6. David (-2)
7. Robin
8. Luke (new)
9. Wilbur (back from July)
10. Kit (-1)Honourable mentions to Thaddeus and Jasper.
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