Is the name Damien usable?
I am starting to like it, I always thought it was an interesting name. Problem is the movie The Omen. I think of 3 things when I see the name:
1. The Omen
2. My Pastor [His name is Damian]
3. The priest from The Exorcist
I like it a lot but those assocations, are horrible to me! I HATE both movies! I obviously like my pastor though he's a cool guy.
What do I do? I like the name a lot, and the associations aren't bothering me too bad now, but I just don't want people thinking my kids the antichrist or evil or something because of his name...wdyt? would he be teased a lot?
Besides that what would be a good MN for him, and a sibset?

Ron Weasley: Mum sent me something...
Ron Weasley: Mum sent me a dress.
Harry: Well it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet?
I am starting to like it, I always thought it was an interesting name. Problem is the movie The Omen. I think of 3 things when I see the name:
1. The Omen
2. My Pastor [His name is Damian]
3. The priest from The Exorcist
I like it a lot but those assocations, are horrible to me! I HATE both movies! I obviously like my pastor though he's a cool guy.
What do I do? I like the name a lot, and the associations aren't bothering me too bad now, but I just don't want people thinking my kids the antichrist or evil or something because of his name...wdyt? would he be teased a lot?
Besides that what would be a good MN for him, and a sibset?

Ron Weasley: Mum sent me something...
Ron Weasley: Mum sent me a dress.
Harry: Well it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet?
This message was edited 6/7/2006, 4:12 PM
I love the name. I haven't seen either movie, though, so I don't have any negative associations from that. He might get teased some, but how many names can't provide any material for teasing? I find it very hard to believe that anyone would really think a child was evil just because of his name, and if there are such people, well, I doubt there'd be many, and every kid has to learn that there are some crazy people in this world (Note: I'm talking about people who'd really think a child is evil just because of the name, not people who just have bad associations with it).
As Lola said, there will be someone who has bad associations with any name you pick out. If you like it, use it, unless you know that someone you're close to would be really uncomfortable with the name.
As Lola said, there will be someone who has bad associations with any name you pick out. If you like it, use it, unless you know that someone you're close to would be really uncomfortable with the name.
I've had a problem with the name Damian, esp. spelled Damien, for years because of the movie associations. :P Just recently I've started liking it a bit--but ONLY spelled Damian, lol, since Damien is the spelling used in "The Omen" (not sure about "The Exorcist" though). I still probably would never use it, though, as I'm a bit superstitious. :-/
BTW, my best friend growing up dated a guy named Damien when she was 16. He had long hair, looked like a "head banger" (it was the 1990s, lol) and he was born on Christmas Day, which was ultra creepy (wasn't Damien in the Omen born on Christmas Day or somesuch? he claimed his mother didn't know about the movie/or it was after he was born, can't remember). He was a super sweet guy, though, and even though he was teased a little about it, he took it all in stride. :)
"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" - Ernest Gaines
BTW, my best friend growing up dated a guy named Damien when she was 16. He had long hair, looked like a "head banger" (it was the 1990s, lol) and he was born on Christmas Day, which was ultra creepy (wasn't Damien in the Omen born on Christmas Day or somesuch? he claimed his mother didn't know about the movie/or it was after he was born, can't remember). He was a super sweet guy, though, and even though he was teased a little about it, he took it all in stride. :)
"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" - Ernest Gaines
Everytime i mention the name Damian / Damien to my boyfriend he yells out SON OF SATAN.. i really love the name, probably because my ex-boyfriend (the first person i really fell for) his name was Damian Oliver, which i adore and i still have a soft spot for him...
Sibs: Damian, Gabriel, Julian, Lucinda, Georgina,
~~* BEX *~~
Coach of 'Bane United'
Hopeful contender for Fantasy Football 2006
My Man Zlatan!

Sibs: Damian, Gabriel, Julian, Lucinda, Georgina,
~~* BEX *~~
Coach of 'Bane United'
Hopeful contender for Fantasy Football 2006
My Man Zlatan!

For me it's completely gone
Utterly beyond recovery. I can't get past it. Sorry. Ceevie suggested a combo, James Damian, recently, that I had to tell her was completely gorgeous and at the same time utterly unusable for me. To be completely honest, I have a hard time speaking to guys named Damian/en. Luckily I've only met two and neither of them were significant in my life.
I can't handle Damian/en, at all, sorry.
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
Utterly beyond recovery. I can't get past it. Sorry. Ceevie suggested a combo, James Damian, recently, that I had to tell her was completely gorgeous and at the same time utterly unusable for me. To be completely honest, I have a hard time speaking to guys named Damian/en. Luckily I've only met two and neither of them were significant in my life.
I can't handle Damian/en, at all, sorry.
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
Regan/Reagan is also completely gone for me
for the same reason as Damian/en. I know it's stupid. It just makes me nauseated, I can't help it. Maybe my reaction to both names is a reaction limited to American thirty-something Catholics who saw both movies (or only pieces, in my case), I don't know. I only know I cannot take either one. AT ALL.
For that matter, I can't stand Linda Blair, just for acting Regan.
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
for the same reason as Damian/en. I know it's stupid. It just makes me nauseated, I can't help it. Maybe my reaction to both names is a reaction limited to American thirty-something Catholics who saw both movies (or only pieces, in my case), I don't know. I only know I cannot take either one. AT ALL.
For that matter, I can't stand Linda Blair, just for acting Regan.
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
My biggest association with Reagan is
"Reaganomics" and Ronald Reagan in general. :-/ It's not much better.
The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness.
To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions.
"Reaganomics" and Ronald Reagan in general. :-/ It's not much better.
To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions.
Oh yeah, that's the other indication
that Reagan is a Satanic name! *LOL*
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
that Reagan is a Satanic name! *LOL*
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
don't feel bad regan makes me creep out everytime isee it or hear it that girl is all i think of...I cant stand Linda Blair either! lol I HATE HATE that movie it creeps me out so bad i coudlnt sleep for a year.....litterly by myself

Ron Weasley: Mum sent me something...
Ron Weasley: Mum sent me a dress.
Harry: Well it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet?

Ron Weasley: Mum sent me something...
Ron Weasley: Mum sent me a dress.
Harry: Well it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet?
I went to primary school and high school with a Damian and I don't recall him ever being teased about his name. Ofcourse, I haven't seen either movie, so I don't have that association. But I don't think it should be a problem. The name isnt a favourite of mine, but if you love it, I don;t think the associations are reason enough not to use it, especially as there are good ones such as your pastor too. Whatever the name is, your garunteed someone is going to have a bad association or dislike it, so just go with what you love.
A Grandmother at a park...
i was at the park with my son when i befriended a woman who's g.son was about 2...she was embarrased to say his name..and made sure she stated she was the grandmother and hated the name her son picked...well it was Damien...i seriously tried to talk her down from hating it because its a wonderful name...she also thinks of "the Omen" i assured her its an old good name and it will be more popular than ever by the time the child is in high school.
i was at the park with my son when i befriended a woman who's g.son was about 2...she was embarrased to say his name..and made sure she stated she was the grandmother and hated the name her son picked...well it was Damien...i seriously tried to talk her down from hating it because its a wonderful name...she also thinks of "the Omen" i assured her its an old good name and it will be more popular than ever by the time the child is in high school.
When I hear it, I think of Blessed Father Damien, a priest who worked as a missionary in Hawaii, taking care of the lepers. That's a great association--I mean, leperosy sucks, but he was a kind and caring man who treated the lepers he worked with as people rather than curses.
That association is enough that I can accept Damian, even if it's not a name I'd use myself--I don't find it at all attractive. I can't do the Damien thing, though. Just like Julien and Vivien, I have an extreme dislike for names that end in -ien when they could (should, in my mind) end in -ian.
ETA: I've been spelling his name incorrectly--apparently he was a Father Damien. I still really detest Damien, though. Please use Damian. ;)
Mick Jagger is older than:
1. Velcro
2. Cake mix
3. Israel
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
That association is enough that I can accept Damian, even if it's not a name I'd use myself--I don't find it at all attractive. I can't do the Damien thing, though. Just like Julien and Vivien, I have an extreme dislike for names that end in -ien when they could (should, in my mind) end in -ian.
ETA: I've been spelling his name incorrectly--apparently he was a Father Damien. I still really detest Damien, though. Please use Damian. ;)
Mick Jagger is older than:
1. Velcro
2. Cake mix
3. Israel
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
This message was edited 6/7/2006, 4:53 PM
Damien is my brother's mn, so I'm biased. But I've always loved the name.
My parents named him after Father Damien, the Belgian (?) priest who moved to the Hawaiian island of Molokai in the 1800's to minister to lepers. After 20 years or so he caught the disease and died of it. Oy, what a mensh (sp?).
I know that silly movie has turned a lot of people off the name. I hope you can tune out the pop culture influence and concentrate on the history of this beautiful name. I know it's sometimes not easy.
I've noticed Damian / Damien becoming more acceptible / popular in recent years, for what that's worth. You're in good company.
My parents named him after Father Damien, the Belgian (?) priest who moved to the Hawaiian island of Molokai in the 1800's to minister to lepers. After 20 years or so he caught the disease and died of it. Oy, what a mensh (sp?).
I know that silly movie has turned a lot of people off the name. I hope you can tune out the pop culture influence and concentrate on the history of this beautiful name. I know it's sometimes not easy.
I've noticed Damian / Damien becoming more acceptible / popular in recent years, for what that's worth. You're in good company.
Of course it is!
It's a great name. The associations don't phase me.
I like Dami(a/e/o)n Kiefer, personally. I can't think of a good sibset. BUT it is a very masculine name, a versatile one that can fit a man through every moment of his life.
It's a great name. The associations don't phase me.
I like Dami(a/e/o)n Kiefer, personally. I can't think of a good sibset. BUT it is a very masculine name, a versatile one that can fit a man through every moment of his life.
This message was edited 6/7/2006, 4:16 PM
No, definitely not. We have a family friend with a nine or ten year old son called Damian; it's adorable on him, and I don't think he's ever been teased or anything for it.
If I'm not mistaken, Damian/Damien is actually almost common among boys in the US. It's not in the top 100, but I'm pretty sure it's in the top two or three hundred.
-- Sarah
If I'm not mistaken, Damian/Damien is actually almost common among boys in the US. It's not in the top 100, but I'm pretty sure it's in the top two or three hundred.
-- Sarah
No, not at all!