Wdyt of Josiah?
I had a friend named this in elementary school, and I've never met anyone else with this name. Lately it keeps creeping into my mind. I really like it, and I thought I'd ask what you thought of it as well.
Also, what mn would you pair with it? Preferably nothing Biblical.
Also, what mn would you pair with it? Preferably nothing Biblical.
My daughter had a little boy in her preschool with this name. I like the Biblical piece of this name. However, some people found it difficult to pronounce or pronounced it incorrectly.
I love this! It sounds so strong and masculine, especially to one who loves Biblical names (aka ME!). However, if you don't like Biblical names, I wouldn't recommend it...

I love Biblical names, I just think that two Biblical names together is a little overwhelming.
I LOOOOVE IT!! It was on my list of names until I found out I was carrying a girl! It moved from a first name to a middle name after a friend named her son Josiah. It changed from 'Josiah Xander', to 'Nigel Josiah'. My (now ex-)husband says he would never have agreed to the name Nigel. I told that unless he came up with something *better*, that's what it would be! I've never seen a man so earnestly looking through a baby-name book!! (By the way, the best he could come up with was Aaron. We would have had a Nigel.)
Love it!
Have been telling people since the mid 90's to name their sons this (I only have girls).
I knew one guy named this, in his 30's now. Know a couple of boys named this -- one is 8 and the other is 4.
Have been telling people since the mid 90's to name their sons this (I only have girls).
I knew one guy named this, in his 30's now. Know a couple of boys named this -- one is 8 and the other is 4.
I don't really like it. It's SO Biblical; it kind of slaps you in the face to me. I know a teenager with this name, and he goes by Jay Jay, so that tells you what he and his friends think of it.
What are the convulsions of a city in comparison with the insurrections of the soul?
Man is a depth still greater than the people.
Man is a depth still greater than the people.
I think Josiah is a nice name although I probably wouldn't use it. So go for it :-)
Some combos . . .
Josiah Mitchell
Josiah Clark
Josiah William
Josiah Anthony
Josiah Alan
Josiah Eugene
Josiah Keith
Josiah Howard
Josiah Robert
Josiah Christopher
Josiah Arthur
Josiah Lee
Josiah Neil
Josiah Jordan (this is biblical, but not thought of as so, I think)
Josiah Justin
Josiah Wayne
Josiah Warren
Josiah Marcus
Josiah Andre
Josiah Tyler
Josiah Zachary
Josiah Adrian
Josiah Eric
Josiah Francis
Josiah Leander
Josiah Oliver
Josiah Sawyer
Josiah Vincent
Do you like any of them?
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
~~ John 3:1
Some combos . . .
Josiah Mitchell
Josiah Clark
Josiah William
Josiah Anthony
Josiah Alan
Josiah Eugene
Josiah Keith
Josiah Howard
Josiah Robert
Josiah Christopher
Josiah Arthur
Josiah Lee
Josiah Neil
Josiah Jordan (this is biblical, but not thought of as so, I think)
Josiah Justin
Josiah Wayne
Josiah Warren
Josiah Marcus
Josiah Andre
Josiah Tyler
Josiah Zachary
Josiah Adrian
Josiah Eric
Josiah Francis
Josiah Leander
Josiah Oliver
Josiah Sawyer
Josiah Vincent
Do you like any of them?
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
~~ John 3:1
This message was edited 6/7/2006, 9:33 AM
I think it's a nice alternative to the more common Joshua although Josiah isn't a personal favorite of mine. Nice enough name though.
Josiah _______
“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”
~Mark Twain
Josiah _______
~Mark Twain
The name Perry was the surname of one of my dad's law partners in a firm. I wouldn't ever name a kid that because of the association with a nerdy, lawyerish-type man. = Thanks for the suggestions, though.