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Re: They're The Same Thing!
I feel as though if I saw a name like Reed Flynn, or something among those lines and the names you just mentioned, I would assume the parents chose their child's name obliviously not aware of the fact that they are very similar if not the same name (Yes I know Reed and Flynn are not related names). Realistically nobody is real life is going to pay it any attention unless they are a name nerd, or perhaps the parents who bestowed it upon their child had a valid reason that was maybe sentimental to give their child this name. So I say that its not terrible, really not that deep, and but yes it does come off as a bit ignorant. About two months ago I mentioned the combo Laurel Daphne and it was not well-received. I knew they had the same meaning but really I thought that was madly humorous and I just thought it sounded nice. If I encountered it in real life, I probably would've mentioned that they're the same thing, but Daphne and Laurel are different. It not the same as Charlotte Caroline where they're literally from the same family tree. Imo that's a little weird and side eye-worthy, but most people would not assume Charlotte and Caroline are related to each other. I don't think a lot of people know Daphne means "laurel". Iago James has a nifty sound to it.
"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." - William Shakespeare

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