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Re: Persis
There's not many names where I comment 'I don't like it' and leave it at that as I...erm... think that's an amazingly unhelpful comment? But I don't like it. I can't elaborate on why I don't like it (and like the clunkier Briseis quite a lot), I have no idea, it just bothers me.Also it makes me think of dishwasher tablets.And maybe it's some eyerolling dread that a Pe name with an s ending is eventually going to be teasing material for some very dull and unimaginative children at some point? Even though it's not that close to penis, if you're twelve and you *squint*, maybe?But ultimately, I just don't like it.I will allow for the fact that there's something cool in an ugly-cute-clunky-did-they-really-do-that way about Persis Agatha, Persis Enid and maybe even Persis Verity. Persis Leontine and Persis Leonora make me think of lilies, maybe that's predictable. As for the rest, not a fan, although there are some beautiful mn choices here... I like or love Violet, Emmeline, Leonora, Eleonora, Ianthe, Iolanthe, Eva, Verity, Leontine, Leontina, Juliana, Allegra and Antonia, all so pretty... and maybe Iolanthe Persis, Leontina Persis, Allegra Persis or Antonia Persis might work better?
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