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Herminia in Spanish speaking countries
Does anyone live in a Spanish speaking country? Could you tell me your opinions on whether you believe Herminia is an acceptable name for a baby, or if it is still too dated?It’s my grandmother’s name so I am aware that it is a grandma name. I just am in the US and not sure if it’s usable in Spanish speaking countries. Thank you!
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I live in Spain and Herminia is very dated and I think it will be for a long time.
Personally, the name remainds me of Hermione Granger (and I'm aware that many people I know think the same way). I wouldn't use it because of this association and how dated it feels (seems like an uncommon grandma name).
I don't know how it is perceived in Latin America.
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It is indeed dated!I'm Spanish, and this is definitely a grandma name that has been long time off the Spanish chart since the 70s. Furthermore, the average age of the bearers is 69, according to the National Statistics Institute of Spain. It is also dated in Latin America.I prefer Hermine nn Minnie or Mina.
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I'm not in a Spanish speaking country. I live in the U.S., in the Pacific Northwest. Just wanted to say how beautiful Herminia is and I hope you use it. Btw, I know of a little girl born here about five years ago and named Hermina after her (great?) grandfather Herman. They call her Mina. It's not the same as Herminia, of course, but still beautiful. :0)
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That's something I'd like to know too.I have a great-aunt Herminia and I would use it as a middle name. Probably not first name though.My impression (as a Mexican-American) is that latinos aren't as hindered by notions of "datedness", especially if it's a family name. They often reuse family names and borrow names from saints. One of my cousins named his kid Sostenes "Chote", after his grandpa, despite it being very dated. He didn't want to break the cycle.
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You're right. I'm surprised to see names like Agustina, Trinidad, Amparo, Emiliano, Facundo or Clemente topping the charts. These names are considered old-fashioned nowadays in Spain and have been replaced by names in Spain's co-official languages (Basque, Galician and Catalan) and Arabic names imported by Maghrebi expatriates as well as keeping classics (Luis, Roberto, Diego, Ana, Laura, Raquel...).
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