Lionel, Tristan, or Edmund?
I like Tristan and Edmund. Lionel is a little too dorky for me but I like almosy all the variants listed on its page: Leo, Leon, Leonas, Leontios, Leontius, Levon, Levan, Leoš, Leone, Leonzio, León, Leonty, Leonti, Leontiy, even Leonel.
Lionel Edmund - Lion + Edmund = Narnia
Lionel Arthur - I want to think of lions and King Arthur, but really I think of that one style of nerdy characters with nasally voices
Lionel Henry - Objectively fine but I kind of hate Henry
Tristan Henry - Same, but I do like Tristan
Tristan Samuel - Okay, not quite the right style though. I'd prefer Tristan Samwell
Tristan Micah - I like this one a lot! Micah Tristan would also be good
Edmund Lionel - Narnia again
Edmund Samuel - This fits together well, I like it
Edmund Tristan - Also good, but I think I'd prefer Tristan Edmund
Lionel Edmund - Lion + Edmund = Narnia
Lionel Arthur - I want to think of lions and King Arthur, but really I think of that one style of nerdy characters with nasally voices
Lionel Henry - Objectively fine but I kind of hate Henry
Tristan Henry - Same, but I do like Tristan
Tristan Samuel - Okay, not quite the right style though. I'd prefer Tristan Samwell
Tristan Micah - I like this one a lot! Micah Tristan would also be good
Edmund Lionel - Narnia again
Edmund Samuel - This fits together well, I like it
Edmund Tristan - Also good, but I think I'd prefer Tristan Edmund
Tristan Samuel!
Tristan is my personal favorite, but Edmund is very close. Lionel is also still very good.
I think the combos that sound best to me are Tristan Henry and Lionel Edmund.
I think the combos that sound best to me are Tristan Henry and Lionel Edmund.
I love Lionel for sure, but Edmund Lionel is a cute combo. Lionel Arthur is really handsome.
Tristan Samuel. Prefer Samuel Tristan actually.