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Wdyt of Alaska and state names as first names?
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Wonderful, it has a sleek, poise, friendly, and natural vibe. I am an American, but I don't really think of the State first.
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Hate it. Don't care for state names in general, with the possible exception of Georgia.
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I love totally random, unexpected states as names. I would never want to be one, but they are so colourful and unnecessary I just love them. I'm also not American so the whole idea of having a State name is kitschy and peak adorably American. There's something poetic and kind of innocently wistful about it, it's charming. Alaska is a pretty word, and I'd LOVE to find out an "Allie" is short for Alaska. Alaska has the same sort of energy as Saskia - cold, clever, sharp. Eccentric and wryly aloof.
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Not really a fan. The only state names I really like are Dakota and Virginia.
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I love Alaska as a name! I saw it years ago in a newspaper article and I remember it really surprised me. But almost immediately I thought it was rather lovely.
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I'll ask her.In general state names as first names is fine with me. It's Americana. Has an unpretentious vibe. I like or dislike them as individual names, and them being state names doesn't really interfere, as long as they sound "like names" to me. Western state names seem much more amenable to becoming people-names, and the style seems more Western. Alaska sounds like a name, pretty much, but not quite enough for me. About as much as Tennessee, which is about as good/bad as a name IMO.
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Don't like it or in general state names, except Carolina
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Quite okay, as a MN, that's the name of a daughter of Rammstein's Sven (aka Richard) Kruspe,
Maxine Alaska, siblings Khira Li & Merlin.Personally, I like it a way more than Lyra Antarctica Seaborn Sheeran, daughter of Ed Sheeran.
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Not being American, my only association with Alaska is icecream covered with meringue and baked. I wouldn't expect any child here to be given the name of a South African province, but Americans do things differently and why not?
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