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My family received news today that one of my grandma's closest friends from her old church recently passed away at 101 years old. Her name was Adabelle (pronounced AY-də-bel).I've never encountered this name before, but I feel like it follows current trends enough that we could maybe see this on babies and young children now. Never cared for Ada by itself, though. Anyway, wdyt?***Please rate my personal name
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It's okay, a little too sweet for me. I thought it would be pronounced like Anabelle but with a d instead of an n.
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I’m not the biggest fan of Ada by itself at all! I think that the name Adabelle is really gorgeous, though. It could be a nice alternative to Annabelle, Isabelle, and Isabella (all nice names). Another “Ada name” I love would be Adalyn.
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Not bad. I don’t think I would use it, but I get the appeal
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This sounds like a name that would have been creative 100 years ago. I'd never use it, and I have a hard time imagine anyone really would. Ada feels incomplete by itself, but this doesn't really complete it.My condolences to your grandmother.
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Ate a bell? Gosh, that must have been hard on the teeth.
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I like Ada a lot. I don’t really like the “belle” part about it. I much prefer Ada.
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Ada is a family name on both sides, so I’ve always had a fondness for it. I do like Belle quite a bit too.
Adabelle is adorable! So warm and homely, the type of name where you would imagine that person would like flowers and gardening and baking!
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