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Re: Nevaeh
I actually don’t think Nevaeh is a bad name. I feel like a lot of name nerds just trash on it because everybody else does. I do genuinely wonder when this name will die off though. I mean although it has a nice sound to it it’s kinda ugly looking, phonetically sticky, and boring as hell at this point. Very Gen-Z. It was fresh in 2000 though. I didn’t even realize the ‘heaven backwards’ thing until much later and that didn’t do anything for me. I’ve misspelled Nevaeh as Neveah a lot of times. I also knew a very not-so-nice girl named Nevaeh. I’m not even paying that “heaven backwards = satanic” thing any attention, it just has a lot of bad stigma around it. It’s a fine name but I wouldn’t use it. I also wouldn’t want to be a Nevaeh. Personally, I would just use Celia, or Celeste. Neve too. Names I actually like. If I were forced at gunpoint to it...Nevaeh Clarice
Nevaeh Esme
Nevaeh Seren
Nevaeh Rosalie

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." - William Shakespeare

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