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Re: Mackenzie
I don’t mind Mackenzie, to be honest with you. I would never use it myself, but I can see why somebody else would like it. It’s very sleek, rich, and zesty in its own right for a boy or girl. I don’t particularly like the meaning for a girl, but hey; it is what it is. Better than Madison. Mackenzie gives me rich girl vibes for a girl, for a boy I think of riches as well. I also like the nickname Kenzie.Mackenzie Annabelle
Mackenzie Luna
Mackenzie Audra
Mackenzie Adelaide
Mackenzie Inez
Mackenzie XenaMackenzie Xavier
Mackenzie Oliver
Mackenzie Nicholas
Mackenzie Brian
Mackenzie Chase

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." - William Shakespeare


This message was edited 5/16/2022, 11:03 AM

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