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Re: Mackenzie
On a girl (human) it's just okay; I never really got the appeal of it, but I don't hate it the way so many on here do.
On a dog it seems funny ... unless the dog's first name is Spuds.Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you criticize him, you're a mile away and you have his shoes!
Steve Martin
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Why would the dog be named Spuds?
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In the late eighties, Spuds Mackenzie was a dog used in advertising to promote Bud Light beer. (Why he wasn' named Suds, I don't know. Makes more sense.) He was everywhere for a while.
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I did an internet search and Spuds MacKenzie was a dog in old beer advertisements.
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I feel bad for that dog.
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