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Re: Pixie
No. It makes me cringe a fair bit and I tend to like GP and nature/mythology names. A weird aside, but this happened the other day, my mum (non-Anglo but has spent almost her whole life in the UK so in a way *very*-Anglo) was commenting on a girl at her work calling her son River, and my mum just... didn't get it or like it, and also very much felt it a) wasn't a proper English given name (that was a fascinating conversation because it was like... it was an interesting flip-side to the whole culture/naming debate which gets brought up here, but I feel UK minority culture is so complicated and I can only talk for my experience) and b) River (which shouldn't be used as a name) is absolutely a girls' name. She wasn't impressed with me telling her that I'd happily use River (m) or Ocean (f) and made a face, haha. Anyway, I don't like Pixie. I think of Geldof, it's a bit precious and pretentious and posed in light of that, and also whether fairies/pixies are a good or bad association is very heavily cultural, personally my idea of fairies is quite malicious and sinister and not cute and happy. Also... I just don't like it. It's very fake and pink sugary awfulness.
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