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What names do you dislike.
Give some opinions what you dislike of those names. Girls

This message was edited 4/5/2022, 6:08 PM

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Give some opinions what you dislike of those names-- haha this is a fun idea, no hard feelings to those who are named below...Sharon: Bigtime Boomer energy
Rose: The meaning is nice, but it's not very substantial and has both an R and an S, which are letters many people struggle to pronounce.
Chloe: Shouldn't there be an umlaut?
Vanessa: This is the villain from The Little Mermaid
Miranda: Rhymes with "veranda"
Lucy: Loosey goosey
Zoe: Zoe is life, which is dope, but again, what happened to the umlaut?
Agatha: Hagatha or $wagatha?
Gabriella: See High School Musical 1, 2, and 3
Rosita: I immediately thought of Rosarita beans...
Jessica: The Love is Blind cast member who gave her dog wine
Annie: this is an orphan's name. Give it to your child at your own peril.
Claire: Claire Bear, Clairenette
Tara: More like TARA-ble (terrible)
Emma: This name sounds exactly like saying the letter M
Mia: Me, me, me... Mia is self-centered
Ava: It's run its course. Time to retire.Michael: The worst boss ever from Dunder Mifflin
Mike: Bike, trike, mike... all things you can ride :o
David: Ew, David!
Ryan: Ryan started the fire!
Kevin: The only thing worse than Kevin is the nickname Kev
Daniel: Infinitely better than Dan or Danny, but 99% of guys with this name will go by a nickname
Gabriel: Impossible to live up to the expectations set in the birth story of Jesus
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I only left the ones I dislike.Chloe - sounds like cloying
Lucy - sounds like loose
Agatha - sounds 100+ years old
Jessica - Harsh -ca ending
Annie - too nicknamey
Emma - too common Michael- Needs a generation or two break. Way, way too common
Mike - Same
David - Too common intergenerationally
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Sharon - Dated and stuffy
Rose - Classic, feminine. I like it.
Chloe - Seems childish to me.
Vanessa - I'm neutral on this name.
Miranda - I'm neutral on this name.
Lucy - I like this name. I prefer it as a nickname, but it is a standalone name, with a cool meaning.
Zoe - Another name that seems childish to me.
Agatha - Stuffy, frumpy, old.
Gabriella - It's okay.
Rosita - It's okay.
Jessica - Getting a needed rest. I'm not a huge fan.
Annie - It's ok as a nickname. Kinda boring.
Claire - I like this name, one of my favorite middle name ideas.
Tara - It's okay.
Emma - I like the name.
Mia - Dislike
Ava - I like the name. Boys
Michael - I like
Mike - Even though I like Michael, I don't like Mike.
David - It's fine.
Ryan - I like the name.
Kevin - I dislike the name.
Daniel - It's ok.
Gabriel - Love the name.
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From your list:Sharon: too harsh
Rose: my middle name, after my grandmothers first name (Rose Marie). It is a common first and middle name on both sides of family. It's fun as a first name.
Chloe: don't care for it.
Vanessa: I like it, I would use it as a middle name.
Miranda: pretty
Lucy: It's fine. No complaints
Zoe: Very fun name.
Agatha: also very harsh sounding.
Gabriella: I like it, I like Gabrielle more.
Rosita: It's okay.
Jessica: too old and boring.
Annie: it's fine.
Claire: it's fine
Tara: Don't like.
Emma: it's okay, I like it as a nickname for Emmeline.
Mia: Don't like.
Ava Don't like.Michael/ Mike: too old and bland
David: It's alright, but too old and hate nn Dave.
Ryan: It's fine, very attactive.
Kevin: Don't like, too smarmy.
Daniel: It's alright.
Gabriel: I like it.
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I'm going to comment on all, I put the ones from your list I actually dislike in italics.
Sharon - I don't care for it but I also don't really dislike it
Rose - good name, a bit bland and not very interesting but sweet
Chloe - I find it a bit clunky and I think I just got fed up with it when it shot up in popularity a while back
Vanessa - nice enough, not really my style but it's quite elegant
Miranda - I like it a lot, the only thing that's not ideal about it to me is that it's a bit serious and long and I don't really like any nicknames for it
Lucy - love it, it's perfect, my favourite name for the last twenty years
Zoe - meh, it's just very boring but it's not bad
Agatha - I like it, it's dusty in a quite endearing way
Gabriella - I don't like it but I don't really dislike it. I prefer Gabrielle.
Rosita - I think there are so many better "Rose" names, I'm just not very fond of the -ita ending
Jessica - I like it, it's pretty and happy
Annie - great name, sweet and soft
Claire - it's just ok
Tara - I find it abrasive
Emma - lovely, I like it a lot
Mia - it's definitely lacking something but it's not terrible
Ava - I don't really like it but it's not too terrible
Michael - it's a nice name, not very remarkable
Mike - I prefer it as a nn for Michael but it's fairly fun
David - very bland but still nice
Ryan - again I find it boring, I don't even care for it enough to have much of an opinion
Kevin - I feel about it the same way I feel about David
Daniel - another boring name but a bit prettier than the others on this list
Gabriel - I like it the least from the names on this list but it's ok

This message was edited 4/6/2022, 4:19 AM

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Girls:Sharon- Dated
Rose- It's alright
Chloe- Too american
Vanessa- too phineas & ferb
Miranda- too associated with the drink
Lucy-It's ok
Zoe- Bad. sounds obnoxious.
Agatha- sounds kinda gothic and/or british.
Gabriella- I don't like femininized male names.
Rosita- It's ok, has a nice hispanic ring to it.
Jessica- I like it.
Annie- cute.
Claire- reminds me too much of Eclaires.
Tara- sounds like an art hoe name.
Emma- hate it.
Ava- I like it.Boys:
Michael- It's a classic but I like the hebrew pronounciation more.
Mike- should be kept as a nickname.
David- It's ok, a bit overused.
Ryan- It's really done to death, and I don't think it sounds good to begin with.
Kevin- I dislike it.
Daniel- I like it but it is objectively overused.
Gabriel- I love it.
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What’s an art hoe?
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a group of creative and talented people who consider themselves as exiles from mainstream culture and use art to express themselves.
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something like that
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Sharon - bland and dated
Rose - better as a nn for Rosemary, Rosamond etc
Chloe - like very much: bright and distinctive
Vanessa - like because of butterflies
Miranda - good as a mn, to avoid nn Randy
Lucy - love enough to use
Zoe - more stodgy than Chloe, but OK
Agatha - good name; mn only to avoid Aggie
Gabriella - dislike all -ella names and also the nn Gabby
Rosita - not used where I live; uninteresting
Jessica - very pleasant; I prefer Jennifer but only just
Annie - love Anne, but Annie cheapens it
Claire - don't like the spelling; like Clare enough to use
Tara - lacking in interest and personality
Emma - flimsy and uninteresting
Mia - awful; trite meaning and sounds like a cat
Ava - like Anna and Otto, too reversible for comfort; prefer Eve or even EvaBoys
Michael - like enough to use
Mike - good but only as a nn
David - my son's second name, which I love
Ryan - overused; much prefer Brian
Kevin - very dull and dated
Daniel - like enough to use
Gabriel - dislike the look, the sound and the nns
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Do you want us to choose names that you dislike from what you listed? If so, then I dislike Sharon, Rose, and Agatha.
If we're just naming ones that we dislike in general, then I pick:Greta
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Sharon - Outdated
Rose - Boring
Chloe - Okay
Vanessa - Ugly
Miranda - Just eh
Lucy - I like it
Zoe - One of my favs
Agatha - Outdated old lady name
Gabriella - Prefer Gabrielle
Rosita - Ugly
Jessica - Bored, outdated
Annie - Too nicknamy
Claire - Boring
Tara - Boring
Emma - Ugly. Overused
Mia - Overused
Ava - Ugly. Overused
Michael - Dull
Mike - Ugly
David - Ugly
Ryan - Okay
Kevin - Outdated
Daniel - Boring
Gabriel - Nice

This message was edited 4/6/2022, 3:30 PM

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