Re: How will names change as Gen Z approaches the age to have kids?
in reply to a message by Kellan
As a member of Gen Z, I'd say more gender-neutral names are coming to the forefront. We're also changing our names a lot more as we get to adulthood. Almost everyone I know have conjured up extra nicknames for themselves or changed their names altogether. My best friend Ollie, (whose real name is Olivia,) changed their name when we were in the 6th grade, and has kept it throughout high school. My friend Carlisle, who used to be Maria. My friend Micah, who used to me Mike. My friend Leah, who used to be Donna. so on and so forth. Even I changed my name from Aurora to Scout! More and more folks are coming out as trans as well, meaning that they have to chose their own names to fit themselves. If you name yourself, (or your kid) a gender-neutral name it eliminates the need to change it later on.
Aw Thanks! I'll be sure to tell them that, Your friends have cool names too!
Plant names also! I adore plant names, and my friends do too! Fern, Clover, Juniper, Marigold, Acker ect. I feel like they're on a comeback